703 Bytes
// Piano.c
// Runs on LM4F120 or TM4C123,
// edX lab 13
// There are four keys in the piano
// Daniel Valvano
// December 29, 2014
// Port E bits 3-0 have 4 piano keys
#include "Piano.h"
#include "..//tm4c123gh6pm.h"
// **************Piano_Init*********************
// Initialize piano key inputs
// Input: none
// Output: none
void Piano_Init(void){
// **************Piano_In*********************
// Input from piano key inputs
// Input: none
// Output: 0 to 15 depending on keys
// 0x01 is key 0 pressed, 0x02 is key 1 pressed,
// 0x04 is key 2 pressed, 0x08 is key 3 pressed
unsigned long Piano_In(void){
return 0; // remove this, replace with input