Commit 93f46b7a by orsier

Four commit

parent fec73dcf
Showing with 155 additions and 0 deletions
metrics: Files used for calculating the metrics
models_logs: Log files generated by training the models
output_examples: Some output audios generated by the pretrained models
pretrain_models: The pretrained models compressed in files
\ No newline at end of file
import librosa
import numpy as np
import os
from mir_eval.separation import bss_eval_sources
import pandas as pd
# Function for normalizing audio based on a common maximum amplitude
def normalize_audio_common(voices, target, mixture):
max_amplitude = max(np.max(np.abs(voices)), np.max(np.abs(target)), np.max(np.abs(mixture)))
if max_amplitude > 0:
voices = voices / max_amplitude
target = target / max_amplitude
mixture = mixture / max_amplitude
return voices, target, mixture
# Function to load and normalize an audio file
def load_and_normalize_audio(file_path):
audio, sr = librosa.load(file_path, sr=None)
return audio, sr
# Function to calculate MSE
def calculate_mse(signal1, signal2):
return np.mean((signal1 - signal2) ** 2)
# Function to calculate SNR
def calculate_snr(signal1, signal2):
signal_power = np.sum(signal2 ** 2)
noise_power = np.sum((signal1 - signal2) ** 2)
return 10 * np.log10(signal_power / noise_power)
# Function to calculate SDR
def calculate_sdr(signal1, signal2):
sdr, _, _, _ = bss_eval_sources(signal2[np.newaxis, :], signal1[np.newaxis, :])
return sdr[0]
# Folder containing subfolders 217 to 236
parent_dir = "C:\\Users\\33783\\Documents\\mles_proj\\test_guitarGDrive"
# List of folders (217 to 236)
folders = [str(i) for i in range(217, 237)]
# Results to save
results = []
check_all_norm_results = []
# Loop through each folder
for folder in folders:
folder_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, folder)
# Load the audio files
mixture_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "mixture.wav")
target_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "target.wav")
vocals_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "vocals.wav")
# Load audio files without normalizing yet
mixture, _ = load_and_normalize_audio(mixture_path)
target, _ = load_and_normalize_audio(target_path)
vocals, _ = load_and_normalize_audio(vocals_path)
# Capture amplitude values before normalization
max_mixture_before = np.max(np.abs(mixture))
rms_mixture_before = np.sqrt(np.mean(mixture ** 2))
max_target_before = np.max(np.abs(target))
rms_target_before = np.sqrt(np.mean(target ** 2))
max_vocals_before = np.max(np.abs(vocals))
rms_vocals_before = np.sqrt(np.mean(vocals ** 2))
# Normalize all signals to the same maximum amplitude
mixture, target, vocals = normalize_audio_common(vocals, target, mixture)
# Capture amplitude values after normalization
max_mixture_after = np.max(np.abs(mixture))
rms_mixture_after = np.sqrt(np.mean(mixture ** 2))
max_target_after = np.max(np.abs(target))
rms_target_after = np.sqrt(np.mean(target ** 2))
max_vocals_after = np.max(np.abs(vocals))
rms_vocals_after = np.sqrt(np.mean(vocals ** 2))
# Also load the mixture without normalization for SNR comparison
mixture_nonormalization, _ = librosa.load(mixture_path, sr=None)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading or normalizing files in folder {folder}: {e}")
# Calculate metrics for mixture vs target (with normalization)
mse_mixture_target = calculate_mse(mixture, target)
snr_mixture_target = calculate_snr(mixture, target)
sdr_mixture_target = calculate_sdr(mixture, target)
# Calculate metrics for vocals vs target
mse_vocals_target = calculate_mse(vocals, target)
snr_vocals_target = calculate_snr(vocals, target)
sdr_vocals_target = calculate_sdr(vocals, target)
# Calculate SNR for mixture without normalization (for comparison)
snr_mixture_target_nonormalization = calculate_snr(mixture_nonormalization, target)
# Store results for this folder
"folder": folder,
"mse_mixture_target": mse_mixture_target,
"snr_mixture_target": snr_mixture_target,
"sdr_mixture_target": sdr_mixture_target,
"mse_vocals_target": mse_vocals_target,
"snr_vocals_target": snr_vocals_target,
"sdr_vocals_target": sdr_vocals_target,
"snr_mixture_target_nonormalization": snr_mixture_target_nonormalization
# Store checking results (amplitude and RMS before and after normalization)
"folder": folder,
"max_mixture_before": max_mixture_before,
"rms_mixture_before": rms_mixture_before,
"max_target_before": max_target_before,
"rms_target_before": rms_target_before,
"max_vocals_before": max_vocals_before,
"rms_vocals_before": rms_vocals_before,
"max_mixture_after": max_mixture_after,
"rms_mixture_after": rms_mixture_after,
"max_target_after": max_target_after,
"rms_target_after": rms_target_after,
"max_vocals_after": max_vocals_after,
"rms_vocals_after": rms_vocals_after
# Save or display the results
df_results = pd.DataFrame(results)
df_results.to_csv("audio_comparison_results_normalized.csv", index=False)
# Save checking results to CSV
df_check_all_norm = pd.DataFrame(check_all_norm_results)
df_check_all_norm.to_csv("checkallnorm.csv", index=False)
# Display the results in the console
# Calculate and print averages for SNR values
avg_snr_mixture_target = df_results["snr_mixture_target"].mean()
avg_snr_vocals_target = df_results["snr_vocals_target"].mean()
print(f"Average SNR for mixture vs target: {avg_snr_mixture_target:.2f} dB")
print(f"Average SNR for vocals vs target: {avg_snr_vocals_target:.2f} dB")
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