Commit c627c6ce by hlohmu

Update PiritXKuiva formaadis

parent 2ce34c2b
Showing with 3 additions and 0 deletions
Jõe koordinaadid alates { lat: 59.25093116667976, lng: 24.956396668624222 }
lõppeb { lat: 59.183184, lng: 25.102956 }
{ lat:59.251028734467674, lng:4.957662564579604}, { lat:59.251028734467674, lng:4.957662564579604},
{ lat:59.25059949811642, lng:4.958987575795362}, { lat:59.25059949811642, lng:4.958987575795362},
{ lat:59.250412991180205, lng:4.959025126720526}, { lat:59.250412991180205, lng:4.959025126720526},
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