Commit 4148684d by Sergey.Kolodchenko

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parent 4b568751
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DOCLENGTH 9
#define NAMEMAX 12
int insert_into_arrays(char names[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char emails[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char new_name[NAMEMAX], char new_email[NAMEMAX]);
void sort_arrays(char names[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char emails[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX]);
void fill_arrays(char names[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char emails[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char file_name[50]);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
if(argc < 2){
printf("I need an argument.\n open cmd line or terminal, navigate to the directory where this file is stored, and run this program as:\
\n'./thisprogram file_to_open'\nif on linux \nor\
\n'thisprogram.exe file_to_open'\nif on windows");
return 1;
char file_name[50];
//copy our first argument into the file_name string
strcpy(file_name, argv[1]);
// we allocate two arrays, one for names, one for emails
char names [DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX];
char emails [DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX];
//fill_arrays reads the file and fills the arrays with this data
fill_arrays(names, emails, file_name);
//print out the current state of the array
for(int i=0; i < DOCLENGTH; i++){
printf("%s %s\n", names[i], emails[i]);
// sort the data alphabetically by name
sort_arrays(names, emails);
// print the current state of the arrays
for(int i = 0; i < DOCLENGTH; i++){
printf("%s %s\n", names[i], emails[i]);
//allocate a space for new name and email
char new_name[NAMEMAX];
char new_email[NAMEMAX];
//get user input
printf("enter a name to insert");
scanf("%s", new_name);
printf("enter that person's email");
scanf("%s", new_email);
//insert this new entry in the right place in the arrays
int slot = insert_into_arrays(names, emails, new_name, new_email);
//print the current state of the arrays
for(int i = 0; i < DOCLENGTH; i++){
if(i == slot){
printf("this is the one added ");
printf("%s %s\n", names[i], emails[i]);
return 0;
void fill_arrays(char names[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char emails[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char file_name[50]){
//open the file for reading
FILE* data = fopen("file_name", "r");
// one at a time, insert entries into the arrays
for( int i = 0; i < DOCLENGTH; i++){
fscanf(data, "%s %s", names[i], emails[i]);
//always close the file!
void sort_arrays(char names[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char emails[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX]){
//allocate a temporary string for shuffling
char temp[NAMEMAX];
//the brk variable tells us when we should break out of the loop
int brk;
//i tells us the number of times we've gone through the dataset
int i;
//break == 0 is the flag to tell us that no changes were made, and the set is sorted
while(brk == 0){
brk = 0;
//j tells us which member of the array we're inspecting
for(int j = 0; j < DOCLENGTH - i; j++){
//if a pair needs to be swithed
if( names[j][0] > names[j+1][0]){
//record that a switch was made
brk = 1;
//perform a switch of both emails and names
strcpy(temp, names[j]);
strcpy(names[j], names[j+1]);
strcpy(names[j+1], temp);
strcpy(temp, emails[j+1]);
strcpy(emails[j+1], emails[j]);
strcpy(emails[j], temp);
int insert_into_arrays(char names[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char emails[DOCLENGTH][NAMEMAX], char new_name[NAMEMAX], char new_email[NAMEMAX]){
//initialize outside of the loop, so that we will still have it for returning
int i=1;
// i tells us which member of the array we're inspecting
for(; i<DOCLENGTH; i++){
//if the first letter of this name belongs before the entry we're looking at
if(new_name[0] < names[i][0]){
//(DOCLENGTH-i)*NAMEMAX is the size of the block we're moving
int move_size = (DOCLENGTH)*NAMEMAX;
//copy the rest of the name array one slot forward
memcpy(&names[i+1][0], &names[i][0], move_size);
//copy the new name and email into the now opened slot
strcpy(names[i], new_name);
strcpy(emails[i], new_email);
//return the index of the slot that we placed it in
return i;
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