<h1>�Vision Build Log</h1>
D:\Box\Box Sync\UT6.03x\TM4Cware\C16_getWeather\getWeather.uvproj
Project File Date:  11/20/2015

Build target 'getWeather'
compiling main.c...
Program Size: Code=13892 RO-data=1824 RW-data=56 ZI-data=19512  
After Build - User command #1: fromelf --bin --output .\rvmdk\cc31000_starter.bin .\rvmdk\cc31000_starter.axf
".\rvmdk\getWeather.axf" - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Clean started: Project: 'getWeather'
   deleting intermediate output files for target 'getWeather'
ase Done.
Programming Done.
Verify OK.
): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration LED_GreenOff - give arg types
main.c(257): error:  #260-D: explicit type is missing ("int" assumed)
main.c(257): error:  #147: declaration is incompatible with "void LED_GreenOff(void)" (declared at line 96 of "LED.h")
main.c(258): error:  #169: expected a declaration
main.c(297): warning:  #12-D: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
      retVal = sl_WlanSetMode(ROLE_STA);
main.c(299): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
      retVal = sl_Stop(0xFF);
main.c(299): error:  #59: function call is not allowed in a constant expression
      retVal = sl_Stop(0xFF);
main.c(301): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
      retVal = sl_Start(0, pConfig, 0);
main.c(301): error:  #148: variable "retVal" has already been initialized
      retVal = sl_Start(0, pConfig, 0);
main.c(301): error:  #59: function call is not allowed in a constant expression
      retVal = sl_Start(0, pConfig, 0);
main.c(301): error:  #20: identifier "pConfig" is undefined
      retVal = sl_Start(0, pConfig, 0);
main.c(304): error:  #169: expected a declaration
      if (ROLE_STA != retVal){
main.c(310): warning:  #12-D: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
main.c(311): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
    configLen = sizeof(ver);
main.c(311): error:  #20: identifier "ver" is undefined
    configLen = sizeof(ver);
main.c(312): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
    retVal = sl_DevGet(SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION, &configOpt, &configLen, (unsigned char *)(&ver));
main.c(312): error:  #148: variable "retVal" has already been initialized
    retVal = sl_DevGet(SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION, &configOpt, &configLen, (unsigned char *)(&ver));
main.c(312): error:  #59: function call is not allowed in a constant expression
    retVal = sl_DevGet(SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION, &configOpt, &configLen, (unsigned char *)(&ver));
main.c(312): error:  #20: identifier "configOpt" is undefined
    retVal = sl_DevGet(SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION, &configOpt, &configLen, (unsigned char *)(&ver));
main.c(312): error:  #44: expression must have pointer type
    retVal = sl_DevGet(SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION, &configOpt, &configLen, (unsigned char *)(&ver));
main.c(315): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
    retVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1, 0, 0, 0, 1), NULL, 0);
main.c(315): error:  #148: variable "retVal" has already been initialized
    retVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1, 0, 0, 0, 1), NULL, 0);
main.c(315): error:  #59: function call is not allowed in a constant expression
    retVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1, 0, 0, 0, 1), NULL, 0);
main.c(318): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
    retVal = sl_WlanProfileDel(0xFF);
main.c(318): error:  #148: variable "retVal" has already been initialized
    retVal = sl_WlanProfileDel(0xFF);
main.c(318): error:  #59: function call is not allowed in a constant expression
    retVal = sl_WlanProfileDel(0xFF);
main.c(325): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
    retVal = sl_WlanDisconnect();
main.c(325): error:  #148: variable "retVal" has already been initialized
    retVal = sl_WlanDisconnect();
main.c(325): error:  #59: function call is not allowed in a constant expression
    retVal = sl_WlanDisconnect();
main.c(326): error:  #169: expected a declaration
    if(0 == retVal){
main.c(332): warning:  #12-D: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
    retVal = sl_NetCfgSet(SL_IPV4_STA_P2P_CL_DHCP_ENABLE,1,1,&val);
main.c(335): error:  #77-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
    configOpt = SL_SCAN_POLICY(0);
main.c: 6 warnings, 30 errors
".\rvmdk\getWeather.axf" - 30 Error(s), 6 Warning(s).
Target not created
Load "D:\\Box\\Box Sync\\UT6.03x\\TM4Cware\\C16_getWeather\\rvmdk\\getWeather.axf" 
Connecting: Mode=JTAG, Speed=1000000Hz
Erase Done.
Programming Done.
Verify OK.