//***************************************************************************** // // softi2c.c - Driver for the SoftI2C. // // Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision of the Tiva Utility Library. // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup softi2c_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "inc/hw_types.h" #include "driverlib/debug.h" #include "driverlib/gpio.h" #include "driverlib/rom.h" #include "driverlib/rom_map.h" #include "utils/softi2c.h" //***************************************************************************** // // The states in the SoftI2C state machine. The code depends upon the fact // that the value of STATE_X1 is exactly one greater than STATE_X0 (for any // value of X and for any following digit)...however there is no dependence on // the values of STATE_Xn and STATE_Yn. // //***************************************************************************** #define SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE 0 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START0 1 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START1 2 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START2 3 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START3 4 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START4 5 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START5 6 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START6 7 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_START7 8 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR0 9 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR1 10 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR2 11 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR3 12 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND0 13 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND1 14 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND2 15 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND3 16 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV0 17 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV1 18 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV2 19 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV3 20 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP0 21 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP1 22 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP2 23 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP3 24 #define SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP4 25 //***************************************************************************** // // The flags in the SoftI2C ui8Flags structure member. The first four flags, // RUN, START, STOP, and ACK, must match with the definitions of the // SOFTI2C_CMD_* commands in softi2c.h. // //***************************************************************************** #define SOFTI2C_FLAG_RUN 0 #define SOFTI2C_FLAG_START 1 #define SOFTI2C_FLAG_STOP 2 #define SOFTI2C_FLAG_ACK 3 #define SOFTI2C_FLAG_ADDR_ACK 5 #define SOFTI2C_FLAG_DATA_ACK 6 #define SOFTI2C_FLAG_RECEIVE 7 //***************************************************************************** // //! Performs the periodic update of the SoftI2C module. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! This function performs the periodic, time-based updates to the SoftI2C //! module. The transmission and reception of data over the SoftI2C link is //! performed by the state machine in this function. //! //! This function must be called at four times the desired SoftI2C clock rate. //! For example, to run the SoftI2C clock at 10 KHz, this function must be //! called at a 40 KHz rate. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CTimerTick(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // Determine the current state of the state machine. // switch(psI2C->ui8State) { // // The state machine is idle. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE: { // // See if the START flag is set, indicating that a start condition // should be generated. // if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_START) == 1) { // // Based on the current state of the SCL and SDA pins, pick the // appropriate place within the state machine to begin the // start/repeated-start signalling. // if(HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) != 0) { psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_START4; } else if(HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) == 0) { psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_START0; } else { psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_START2; } } // // Otherwise, see if the RUN flag is set, indicating that a data // byte should be transferred. // else if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RUN) == 1) { // // Start the transfer from the first bit. // psI2C->ui8CurrentBit = 0; // // See if a byte should be sent or received. // if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RECEIVE) == 0) { // // A byte should be sent. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND0; } else { // // A byte should be received. Clear out the receive data // buffer in preparation for receiving the new byte. // psI2C->ui8Data = 0; psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV0; } } // // Otherwise, see if the STOP flag is set, indicating that a stop // condition should be generated. // else if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_STOP) == 1) { // // Generate a stop condition. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP0; } // // See if the SoftI2C state machine has left the idle state. // if(psI2C->ui8State != SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE) { // // The address and data ACK error flags should be cleared; they // will be set if appropriate while the current command is // being executed. // HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_ADDR_ACK) = 0; HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_DATA_ACK) = 0; } // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // The beginning of the start condition sequence when SDA and SCL are // low. SDA must be driven high prior to driving SCL high so that a // repeated-start is generated, instead of a stop then start. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_START0: { // // Set SDA high. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = 255; // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_START1; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // Each of these states exists only to provide some timing delay in // order to conform with the signalling requirements of I2C. This // depends upon STATE_Xn and STATE_X(n+1) being consecutively numbered. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_START1: case SOFTI2C_STATE_START3: case SOFTI2C_STATE_START5: case SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP1: case SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP3: { // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State++; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In each of these states, SCL must be driven high. This depends upon // STATE_Xn and STATE_X(n+1) being consecutively numbered. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_START2: case SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR1: case SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND1: case SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV1: case SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP2: { // // Set SCL high. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) = 255; // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State++; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In each of these states, SDA must be driven low. This depends upon // STATE_Xn and STATE_X(n+1) being consecutively numbered. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_START4: case SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP0: { // // Set SDA low. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = 0; // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State++; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, SCL must be driven low. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_START6: { // // Set SCL low. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) = 0; // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_START7; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, the start condition has been generated. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_START7: { // // Start with the first bit of the address. // psI2C->ui8CurrentBit = 0; // // Advance to the address output state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR0; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, the next bit of the slave address must be sent. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR0: { // // See if this is one of the first seven bits of the address phase. // if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit < 7) { // // Write the next bit of the slave address to SDA. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = ((psI2C->ui8SlaveAddr & (1 << (6 - psI2C->ui8CurrentBit))) ? 255 : 0); } // // Otherwise, see if this is the eight bit of the address phase // (which is the read/not write bit). // else if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit == 7) { // // Write the read/not write bit to SDA. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = (HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RECEIVE) ? 255 : 0); } // // Otherwise, this is the ninth bit of the address phase (in other // words, the ACK bit). // else { // // Change the SDA GPIO into an input so that the ACK or NAK // provided by the slave can be read. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN); } // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR1; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In each of these states, wait until SCL has gone high (it has been // released by the SoftI2C master, but may be held low by the slave). // This depends upon STATE_Xn and STATE_X(n+1) being consecutively // numbered. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR2: case SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND2: case SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV2: { // // See if SCL has gone high. // if(HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) != 0) { // // Advance to the next state now that SCL has gone high. // psI2C->ui8State++; } // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, SCL must be driven low. If on the ninth bit of the // address transfer, the ACK/NAK status is read from the slave. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR3: { // // See if this is the ninth bit of the address phase (in other // words, the ACK bit). // if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit == 8) { // // See if the SDA line is high. // if(HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) != 0) { // // Since the SDA line is high, the address byte has not // been ACKed by any slave. // HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_ADDR_ACK) = 1; } // // Change the SDA GPIO back into an output. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT); // // The start phase (start or repeated-start, plus the address // byte) have completed, so clear the START flag. // HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_START) = 0; // // See if the RUN flag is set, indicating that a data byte // should be transferred as well. // if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RUN) == 1) { // // Reset the current bit to zero for the start of the data // phase. // psI2C->ui8CurrentBit = 0; // // See if the data byte is being sent or received. // if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RECEIVE) == 0) { // // The data byte is being sent, so advance to the data // send state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND0; } else { // // The data byte is being received, so clear the data // buffer and advance to the data receive state. // psI2C->ui8Data = 0; psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV0; } } // // Otherwise, see if the STOP flag is set, indicating that a // stop condition should be generated. // else if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_STOP) == 1) { // // Advance to the stop state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP0; } // // Otherwise, go to the idle state. // else { // // Since the requested operations have completed, set the // SoftI2C ``interrupt''. // psI2C->ui8IntStatus = 1; // // Advance to the idle state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE; } } // // Otherwise, the next bit of the address should be transferred. // else { // // Increment the bit count. // psI2C->ui8CurrentBit++; // // Advance to the address tranfer state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_ADDR0; } // // Set SCL low. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) = 0; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, the next bit of the data byte must be sent. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND0: { // // See if this is one of the first eight bits of the data phase. // if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit < 8) { // // Write the next bit of the data byte to SDA. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = ((psI2C->ui8Data & (1 << (7 - psI2C->ui8CurrentBit))) ? 255 : 0); } // // Otherwise, this is the ninth bit of the data phase (in other // words, the ACK bit). // else { // // Change the SDA GPIO into an input so that the ACK or NAK // provided by the slave can be read. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN); } // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND1; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, SCL must be driven low. If on the ninth bit of the // data transfer, the ACK/NAK status is read from the slave. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND3: { // // See if this is the ninth bit of the data phase (in other words, // the ACK bit). // if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit == 8) { // // See if the SDA line is high. // if(HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) != 0) { // // Since the SDA line is high, the data byte has not been // ACKed by the slave. // HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_DATA_ACK) = 1; } // // Change the SDA GPIO back into an output. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT); // // The data phase has completed, so clear the RUN flag. // HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RUN) = 0; // // See if the STOP flag is set, indicating that a stop // condition should be generated. // if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_STOP) == 1) { // // Advance to the stop state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP0; } // // Otherwise, go to the idle state. // else { // // Since the requested operations have completed, set the // SoftI2C ``interrupt''. // psI2C->ui8IntStatus = 1; // // Advance to the idle state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE; } } // // Otherwise, the next bit of the data should be transferred. // else { // // Increment the bit count. // psI2C->ui8CurrentBit++; // // Advance to the data transmit state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_SEND0; } // // Set SCL low. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) = 0; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, the next bit of the data byte must be received. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV0: { // // See if this is the first bit of the data phase. // if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit == 0) { // // Change the SDA GPIO into an input so that the data provided // by the slave can be read. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN); } // // Otherwise, see if this is the ninth bit of the data phase (in // other words, the ACK bit). // else if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit == 8) { // // Change the SDA GPIO into an output so that the ACK bit can // be driven to the slave. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT); // // See if this byte should be ACKed or NAKed. // if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_ACK) == 1) { // // Drive SDA low to ACK the data byte. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = 0; } else { // // Allow SDA to get pulled high to NAK the data byte. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = 255; } } // // Advance to the next state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV1; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, SCL must be driven low. For the first eight bits of // the data transfer, the data bits are read from the slave. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV3: { // // See if this is the ninth bit of the data phase (in other words, // the ACK bit). // if(psI2C->ui8CurrentBit == 8) { // // The data phase has completed, so clear the RUN flag. // HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RUN) = 0; // // See if the STOP flag is set, indicating that a stop // condition should be generated. // if(HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_STOP) == 1) { // // Advance to the stop state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP0; } // // Otherwise, go to the idle state. // else { // // Since the requested operations have completed, set the // SoftI2C ``interrupt''. // psI2C->ui8IntStatus = 1; // // Advance to the idle state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE; } } // // Otherwise, the next bit of the data should be transferred. // else { // // Read the next bit of data from the SDA line. // psI2C->ui8Data |= (HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) ? (1 << (7 - psI2C->ui8CurrentBit)) : 0); // // Increment the bit count. // psI2C->ui8CurrentBit++; // // Advance to the data receive state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_RECV0; } // // Set SCL low. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) = 0; // // This state has been handled. // break; } // // In this state, SDA must be driven high to create the stop condition. // case SOFTI2C_STATE_STOP4: { // // Set SDA high to create the stop condition. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = 255; // // The stop condition has been generated, so clear the STOP flag. // HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_STOP) = 0; // // Since the requested operations have completed, set the SoftI2C // ``interrupt''. // psI2C->ui8IntStatus = 1; // // Advance to the idle state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE; // // This state has been handled. // break; } } // // Call the "interrupt" callback while there are enabled "interrupts" // asserted. By calling in a loop until the "interrupts" are no longer // asserted, this mimics the behavior of a real hardware implementation of // the I2C peripheral. // while(((psI2C->ui8IntStatus & psI2C->ui8IntMask) != 0) && (psI2C->pfnIntCallback != 0)) { // // Call the callback function. // psI2C->pfnIntCallback(); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Initializes the SoftI2C module. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! This function initializes operation of the SoftI2C module. After //! successful initialization of the SoftI2C module, the software I2C bus is in //! the idle state. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CInit(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // Configure the SCL pin. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT); MAP_GPIOPadConfigSet(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_STRENGTH_8MA, GPIO_PIN_TYPE_OD); // // Set the SCL pin high. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO) = 255; // // Configure the SDA pin. // MAP_GPIODirModeSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT); MAP_GPIOPadConfigSet(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0xfffff000, (psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO & 0x00000fff) >> 2, GPIO_STRENGTH_8MA, GPIO_PIN_TYPE_OD); // // Set the SDA pin high. // HWREG(psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO) = 255; // // The ``interrupt'' is not asserted at the start. // psI2C->ui8IntStatus = 0; // // There are no flags at the start. // psI2C->ui8Flags = 0; // // Start the SoftI2C state machine in the idle state. // psI2C->ui8State = SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the callback used by the SoftI2C module. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! \param pfnCallback is a pointer to the callback function. //! //! This function sets the address of the callback function that is called when //! there is an ``interrupt'' produced by the SoftI2C module. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CCallbackSet(tSoftI2C *psI2C, void (*pfnCallback)(void)) { // // Save the callback function address. // psI2C->pfnIntCallback = pfnCallback; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the GPIO pin to be used as the SoftI2C SCL signal. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! \param ui32Base is the base address of the GPIO module. //! \param ui8Pin is the bit-packed representation of the pin to use. //! //! This function sets the GPIO pin that is used for the SoftI2C SCL signal. //! //! The pin is specified using a bit-packed byte, where bit 0 of the byte //! represents GPIO port pin 0, bit 1 represents GPIO port pin 1, and so on. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CSCLGPIOSet(tSoftI2C *psI2C, uint32_t ui32Base, uint8_t ui8Pin) { // // Save the base address and pin for the SCL signal. // psI2C->ui32SCLGPIO = ui32Base + (ui8Pin << 2); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the GPIO pin to be used as the SoftI2C SDA signal. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! \param ui32Base is the base address of the GPIO module. //! \param ui8Pin is the bit-packed representation of the pin to use. //! //! This function sets the GPIO pin that is used for the SoftI2C SDA signal. //! //! The pin is specified using a bit-packed byte, where bit 0 of the byte //! represents GPIO port pin 0, bit 1 represents GPIO port pin 1, and so on. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CSDAGPIOSet(tSoftI2C *psI2C, uint32_t ui32Base, uint8_t ui8Pin) { // // Save the base address and pin for the SDA signal. // psI2C->ui32SDAGPIO = ui32Base + (ui8Pin << 2); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Enables the SoftI2C ``interrupt''. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! Enables the SoftI2C ``interrupt'' source. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CIntEnable(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // Enable the master interrupt. // psI2C->ui8IntMask = 1; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Disables the SoftI2C ``interrupt''. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! Disables the SoftI2C ``interrupt'' source. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CIntDisable(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // Disable the master interrupt. // psI2C->ui8IntMask = 0; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the current SoftI2C ``interrupt'' status. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! \param bMasked is \b false if the raw ``interrupt'' status is requested and //! \b true if the masked ``interrupt'' status is requested. //! //! This returns the ``interrupt'' status for the SoftI2C module. Either the //! raw ``interrupt'' status or the status of ``interrupts'' that are allowed //! to reflect to the processor can be returned. //! //! \return The current interrupt status, returned as \b true if active //! or \b false if not active. // //***************************************************************************** bool SoftI2CIntStatus(tSoftI2C *psI2C, bool bMasked) { // // Return either the interrupt status or the raw interrupt status as // requested. // if(bMasked) { return((psI2C->ui8IntStatus & psI2C->ui8IntMask) ? true : false); } else { return(psI2C->ui8IntStatus ? true : false); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Clears the SoftI2C ``interrupt''. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! The SoftI2C ``interrupt'' source is cleared, so that it no longer asserts. //! This function must be called in the ``interrupt'' handler to keep it from //! being called again immediately on exit. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CIntClear(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // Clear the SoftI2C interrupt source. // psI2C->ui8IntStatus = 0; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the address that the SoftI2C module places on the bus. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! \param ui8SlaveAddr 7-bit slave address //! \param bReceive flag indicating the type of communication with the slave. //! //! This function sets the address that the SoftI2C module places on the bus //! when initiating a transaction. When the \e bReceive parameter is set to //! \b true, the address indicates that the SoftI2C moudle is initiating a read //! from the slave; otherwise the address indicates that the SoftI2C module is //! initiating a write to the slave. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CSlaveAddrSet(tSoftI2C *psI2C, uint8_t ui8SlaveAddr, bool bReceive) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ui8SlaveAddr & 0x80)); // // Set the address of the slave with which the master will communicate. // psI2C->ui8SlaveAddr = ui8SlaveAddr; // // Set a flag to indicate if this is a transmit or receive. // if(bReceive) { HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RECEIVE) = 1; } else { HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_RECEIVE) = 0; } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Indicates whether or not the SoftI2C module is busy. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! This function returns an indication of whether or not the SoftI2C module is //! busy transmitting or receiving data. //! //! \return Returns \b true if the SoftI2C module is busy; otherwise, returns //! \b false. // //***************************************************************************** bool SoftI2CBusy(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // Return the busy status. // if(psI2C->ui8State != SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! Controls the state of the SoftI2C module. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! \param ui32Cmd command to be issued to the SoftI2C module. //! //! This function is used to control the state of the SoftI2C module send and //! receive operations. The \e ui8Cmd parameter can be one of the following //! values: //! //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_SINGLE_SEND //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_SINGLE_RECEIVE //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_START //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_CONT //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_FINISH //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_ERROR_STOP //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_START //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_CONT //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_FINISH //! - \b SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_ERROR_STOP //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CControl(tSoftI2C *psI2C, uint32_t ui32Cmd) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT((ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_SINGLE_SEND) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_SINGLE_RECEIVE) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_START) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_CONT) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_FINISH) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_SEND_ERROR_STOP) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_START) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_CONT) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_FINISH) || (ui32Cmd == SOFTI2C_CMD_BURST_RECEIVE_ERROR_STOP)); // // Send the command. // psI2C->ui8Flags = (psI2C->ui8Flags & 0xf0) | ui32Cmd; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the error status of the SoftI2C module. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! This function is used to obtain the error status of the SoftI2C module send //! and receive operations. //! //! \return Returns the error status, as one of \b SOFTI2C_ERR_NONE, //! \b SOFTI2C_ERR_ADDR_ACK, or \b SOFTI2C_ERR_DATA_ACK. // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t SoftI2CErr(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // If the SoftI2C is busy, there is no error to report. // if(psI2C->ui8State != SOFTI2C_STATE_IDLE) { return(SOFTI2C_ERR_NONE); } // // Return any errors that may have occurred. // return((HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_ADDR_ACK) ? SOFTI2C_ERR_ADDR_ACK : 0) | (HWREGBITB(&(psI2C->ui8Flags), SOFTI2C_FLAG_DATA_ACK) ? SOFTI2C_ERR_DATA_ACK : 0)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Transmits a byte from the SoftI2C module. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! \param ui8Data data to be transmitted from the SoftI2C module. //! //! This function places the supplied data into SoftI2C module in preparation //! for being transmitted via an appropriate call to SoftI2CControl(). //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoftI2CDataPut(tSoftI2C *psI2C, uint8_t ui8Data) { // // Write the byte. // psI2C->ui8Data = ui8Data; } //***************************************************************************** // //! Receives a byte that has been sent to the SoftI2C module. //! //! \param psI2C specifies the SoftI2C data structure. //! //! This function reads a byte of data from the SoftI2C module that was //! received as a result of an appropriate call to SoftI2CControl(). //! //! \return Returns the byte received by the SoftI2C module, cast as an //! uint32_t. // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t SoftI2CDataGet(tSoftI2C *psI2C) { // // Read a byte. // return(psI2C->ui8Data); } //***************************************************************************** // // Close the Doxygen group. //! @} // //*****************************************************************************