// startup_ewarm.c - Startup code for use with IAR's Embedded Workbench,
//                   version 5.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// TI Information - Selective Disclosure

#include <stdint.h>
#include "../inc/hw_nvic.h"
#include "../inc/hw_types.h"

// Enable the IAR extensions for this source file.
#pragma language=extended

// Forward declaration of the default fault handlers.
void ResetISR(void);
static void NmiSR(void);
static void FaultISR(void);
static void IntDefaultHandler(void);

// External declarations for the interrupt handlers used by the application.
extern void GPIOB_intHandler(void);
extern void UARTStdioIntHandler(void);

// The entry point for the application startup code.
extern void __iar_program_start(void);

// Reserve space for the system stack.
static uint32_t pui32Stack[4096] @ ".noinit";

// A union that describes the entries of the vector table.  The union is needed
// since the first entry is the stack pointer and the remainder are function
// pointers.
typedef union
    void (*pfnHandler)(void);
    uint32_t ui32Ptr;

// The vector table.  Note that the proper constructs must be placed on this to
// ensure that it ends up at physical address 0x0000.0000.
__root const uVectorEntry __vector_table[] @ ".intvec" =
    { .ui32Ptr = (uint32_t)pui32Stack + sizeof(pui32Stack) },
                                            // The initial stack pointer
    ResetISR,                               // The reset handler
    NmiSR,                                  // The NMI handler
    FaultISR,                               // The hard fault handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The MPU fault handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The bus fault handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The usage fault handler
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SVCall handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Debug monitor handler
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The PendSV handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // The SysTick handler
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port A
    GPIOB_intHandler,                       // GPIO Port B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port C
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port D
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port E
    UARTStdioIntHandler,                    // UART0 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART1 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI0 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C0 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Fault
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Watchdog timer
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 0 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 0 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 1 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 1 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 2 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 2 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // System Control (PLL, OSC, BO)
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // FLASH Control
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port F
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port G
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port H
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART2 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI1 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 3 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 3 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C1 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN1
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Hibernate
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // USB0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // uDMA Software Transfer
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // uDMA Error
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 3
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port J
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port K
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port L
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI2 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI3 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART3 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART4 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART5 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART6 Rx and Tx
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART7 Rx and Tx
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C2 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C3 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 4 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 4 subtimer B
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 5 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 5 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 0 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 0 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 1 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 1 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 2 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 2 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 3 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 3 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 4 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 4 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 5 subtimer A
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 5 subtimer B
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // FPU
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C4 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C5 Master and Slave
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port M
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port N
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 2
    0,                                      // Reserved
    0,                                      // Reserved
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P (Summary or P0)
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P4
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P5
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P6
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P7
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q (Summary or Q0)
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q3
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q4
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q5
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q6
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q7
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port R
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port S
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 0
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 1
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 2
    IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 3
    IntDefaultHandler                       // PWM 1 Fault

// This is the code that gets called when the processor first starts execution
// following a reset event.  Only the absolutely necessary set is performed,
// after which the application supplied entry() routine is called.  Any fancy
// actions (such as making decisions based on the reset cause register, and
// resetting the bits in that register) are left solely in the hands of the
// application.
    // Enable the floating-point unit.  This must be done here to handle the
    // case where main() uses floating-point and the function prologue saves
    // floating-point registers (which will fault if floating-point is not
    // enabled).  Any configuration of the floating-point unit using DriverLib
    // APIs must be done here prior to the floating-point unit being enabled.
    // Note that this does not use DriverLib since it might not be included in
    // this project.
                         ~(NVIC_CPAC_CP10_M | NVIC_CPAC_CP11_M)) |
                        NVIC_CPAC_CP10_FULL | NVIC_CPAC_CP11_FULL);

    // Call the application's entry point.

// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a NMI.  This
// simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state for examination
// by a debugger.
static void
    // Enter an infinite loop.

// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a fault
// interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
// for examination by a debugger.
static void
    // Enter an infinite loop.

// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected
// interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
// for examination by a debugger.
static void
    // Go into an infinite loop.