// Nokia5110.c
// Runs on LM4F120/TM4C123
// Use SSI0 to send an 8-bit code to the Nokia5110 48x84
// pixel LCD to display text, images, or other information.
// Daniel Valvano
// September 16, 2013

// Font table, initialization, and other functions based
// off of Nokia_5110_Example from Spark Fun:
// 7-17-2011
// Spark Fun Electronics 2011
// Nathan Seidle
// http://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/LCD/Monochrome/Nokia_5110_Example.pde

/* This example accompanies the book
   "Embedded Systems: Introduction to ARM Cortex M Microcontrollers",
   ISBN: 978-1469998749, Jonathan Valvano, copyright (c) 2014

 Copyright 2014 by Jonathan W. Valvano, valvano@mail.utexas.edu
    You may use, edit, run or distribute this file
    as long as the above copyright notice remains
 For more information about my classes, my research, and my books, see

// Blue Nokia 5110
// ---------------
// Signal        (Nokia 5110) LaunchPad pin
// Reset         (RST, pin 1) connected to PA7
// SSI0Fss       (CE,  pin 2) connected to PA3
// Data/Command  (DC,  pin 3) connected to PA6
// SSI0Tx        (Din, pin 4) connected to PA5
// SSI0Clk       (Clk, pin 5) connected to PA2
// 3.3V          (Vcc, pin 6) power
// back light    (BL,  pin 7) not connected, consists of 4 white LEDs which draw ~80mA total
// Ground        (Gnd, pin 8) ground

// Red SparkFun Nokia 5110 (LCD-10168)
// -----------------------------------
// Signal        (Nokia 5110) LaunchPad pin
// 3.3V          (VCC, pin 1) power
// Ground        (GND, pin 2) ground
// SSI0Fss       (SCE, pin 3) connected to PA3
// Reset         (RST, pin 4) connected to PA7
// Data/Command  (D/C, pin 5) connected to PA6
// SSI0Tx        (DN,  pin 6) connected to PA5
// SSI0Clk       (SCLK, pin 7) connected to PA2
// back light    (LED, pin 8) not connected, consists of 4 white LEDs which draw ~80mA total

#include "Nokia5110.h"
#include "../inc/tm4c123gh6pm.h"
#include <stdint.h>

#define DC                      (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40004100))
#define DC_COMMAND              0
#define DC_DATA                 0x40
#define RESET                   (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40004200))
#define RESET_LOW               0
#define RESET_HIGH              0x80

#define SSI_CR0_SCR_M           0x0000FF00  // SSI Serial Clock Rate
#define SSI_CR0_SPH             0x00000080  // SSI Serial Clock Phase
#define SSI_CR0_SPO             0x00000040  // SSI Serial Clock Polarity
#define SSI_CR0_FRF_M           0x00000030  // SSI Frame Format Select
#define SSI_CR0_FRF_MOTO        0x00000000  // Freescale SPI Frame Format
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_M           0x0000000F  // SSI Data Size Select
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_8           0x00000007  // 8-bit data
#define SSI_CR1_MS              0x00000004  // SSI Master/Slave Select
#define SSI_CR1_SSE             0x00000002  // SSI Synchronous Serial Port
                                            // Enable
#define SSI_SR_BSY              0x00000010  // SSI Busy Bit
#define SSI_SR_TNF              0x00000002  // SSI Transmit FIFO Not Full
#define SSI_CPSR_CPSDVSR_M      0x000000FF  // SSI Clock Prescale Divisor
#define SSI_CC_CS_M             0x0000000F  // SSI Baud Clock Source
#define SSI_CC_CS_SYSPLL        0x00000000  // Either the system clock (if the
                                            // PLL bypass is in effect) or the

// 16 rows (0 to 15) and 21 characters (0 to 20)
// Requires (11 + size*size*6*8) bytes of transmission for each character
uint32_t NokiaX=0; // position along the horizonal axis 0 to 11 
uint32_t NokiaY=0; // position along the vertical axis 0 to 5

enum typeOfWrite{
  COMMAND,                              // the transmission is an LCD command
  DATA                                  // the transmission is data
// The Data/Command pin must be valid when the eighth bit is
// sent.  The SSI module has hardware input and output FIFOs
// that are 8 locations deep.  Based on the observation that
// the LCD interface tends to send a few commands and then a
// lot of data, the FIFOs are not used when writing
// commands, and they are used when writing data.  This
// ensures that the Data/Command pin status matches the byte
// that is actually being transmitted.
// The write command operation waits until all data has been
// sent, configures the Data/Command pin for commands, sends
// the command, and then waits for the transmission to
// finish.
// The write data operation waits until there is room in the
// transmit FIFO, configures the Data/Command pin for data,
// and then adds the data to the transmit FIFO.

// This is a helper function that sends an 8-bit message to the LCD.
// inputs: type     COMMAND or DATA
//         message  8-bit code to transmit
// outputs: none
// assumes: SSI0 and port A have already been initialized and enabled
void static lcdwrite(enum typeOfWrite type, char message){
  if(type == COMMAND){
                                        // wait until SSI0 not busy/transmit FIFO empty
    SSI0_DR_R = message;                // command out
                                        // wait until SSI0 not busy/transmit FIFO empty
  } else{
    while((SSI0_SR_R&SSI_SR_TNF)==0){}; // wait until transmit FIFO not full
    DC = DC_DATA;
    SSI0_DR_R = message;                // data out

// Initialize Nokia 5110 48x84 LCD by sending the proper
// commands to the PCD8544 driver.  One new feature of the
// LM4F120 is that its SSIs can get their baud clock from
// either the system clock or from the 16 MHz precision
// internal oscillator.
// inputs: none
// outputs: none
// assumes: system clock rate of 80 MHz
void Nokia5110_Init(void){
  volatile unsigned long delay;
  SYSCTL_RCGCSSI_R |= 0x01;  // activate SSI0
  SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |= 0x01; // activate port A
  while((SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R&0x01)==0){}; // allow time for clock to start
  GPIO_PORTA_DIR_R |= 0xC0;             // make PA6,7 out
  GPIO_PORTA_AFSEL_R |= 0x2C;           // enable alt funct on PA2,3,5
  GPIO_PORTA_AFSEL_R &= ~0xC0;          // disable alt funct on PA6,7
  GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R |= 0xEC;             // enable digital I/O on PA2,3,5,6,7
                                        // configure PA2,3,5 as SSI
                                        // configure PA6,7 as GPIO
  GPIO_PORTA_AMSEL_R &= ~0xEC;          // disable analog functionality on PA2,3,5,6,7
  SSI0_CR1_R &= ~SSI_CR1_SSE;           // disable SSI
  SSI0_CR1_R &= ~SSI_CR1_MS;            // master mode
                                        // configure for system clock/PLL baud clock source
                                        // clock divider for 3.33 MHz SSIClk (80 MHz PLL/24)
                                        // SysClk/(CPSDVSR*(1+SCR))
                                        // 80/(24*(1+0)) = 3.33 MHz (slower than 4 MHz)
  SSI0_CPSR_R = (SSI0_CPSR_R&~SSI_CPSR_CPSDVSR_M)+24; // must be even number
  SSI0_CR0_R &= ~(SSI_CR0_SCR_M |       // SCR = 0 (3.33 Mbps data rate)
                  SSI_CR0_SPH |         // SPH = 0
                  SSI_CR0_SPO);         // SPO = 0
                                        // FRF = Freescale format
                                        // DSS = 8-bit data
  SSI0_CR1_R |= SSI_CR1_SSE;            // enable SSI

  RESET = RESET_LOW;                    // reset the LCD to a known state
  for(delay=0; delay<10; delay=delay+1);// delay minimum 100 ns
  RESET = RESET_HIGH;                   // negative logic

  lcdwrite(COMMAND, 0x21);              // chip active; horizontal addressing mode (V = 0); use extended instruction set (H = 1)
                                        // set LCD Vop (contrast), which may require some tweaking:
  lcdwrite(COMMAND, CONTRAST);          // try 0xB1 (for 3.3V red SparkFun), 0xB8 (for 3.3V blue SparkFun), 0xBF if your display is too dark, or 0x80 to 0xFF if experimenting
  lcdwrite(COMMAND, 0x04);              // set temp coefficient
  lcdwrite(COMMAND, 0x14);              // LCD bias mode 1:48: try 0x13 or 0x14

  lcdwrite(COMMAND, 0x20);              // we must send 0x20 before modifying the display control mode
  lcdwrite(COMMAND, 0x0C);              // set display control to normal mode: 0x0D for inverse

// Print a character to the Nokia 5110 48x84 LCD.  The
// character will be printed at the current cursor position,
// the cursor will automatically be updated, and it will
// wrap to the next row or back to the top if necessary.
// One blank column of pixels will be printed on either side
// of the character for readability.  Since characters are 8
// pixels tall and 5 pixels wide, 12 characters fit per row,
// and there are six rows.
// inputs: data  character to print
// outputs: none
// assumes: LCD is in default horizontal addressing mode (V = 0)
void Nokia5110_OutChar(unsigned char data){
  int i;
  if(data == '\r') return;
  if(data == '\n'){
    NokiaX=0; // position along the horizonal axis 0 to 11 
    NokiaY++; // position along the vertical axis 0 to 5
    if(NokiaY == 6) NokiaY = 0;
    lcdwrite(DATA, 0x00);                 // blank vertical line padding
    for(i=0; i<5; i=i+1){
      lcdwrite(DATA, ASCII[data - 0x20][i]);
    lcdwrite(DATA, 0x00);                 // blank vertical line padding
    if(NokiaX >= 12){
      NokiaY++; // position along the vertical axis 0 to 5
      if(NokiaY >= 6) NokiaY = 5;

// Print a string of characters to the Nokia 5110 48x84 LCD.
// The string will automatically wrap, so padding spaces may
// be needed to make the output look optimal.
// inputs: ptr  pointer to NULL-terminated ASCII string
// outputs: none
// assumes: LCD is in default horizontal addressing mode (V = 0)
void Nokia5110_OutString(char *ptr){
    Nokia5110_OutChar((unsigned char)*ptr);
    ptr = ptr + 1;

// Output a 16-bit number in unsigned decimal format with a
// fixed size of five right-justified digits of output.
// Inputs: n  16-bit unsigned number
// Outputs: none
// assumes: LCD is in default horizontal addressing mode (V = 0)
void Nokia5110_OutUDec(unsigned short n){
  if(n < 10){
    Nokia5110_OutString("    ");
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n+'0'); /* n is between 0 and 9 */
  } else if(n<100){
    Nokia5110_OutString("   ");
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
  } else if(n<1000){
    Nokia5110_OutString("  ");
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
    n = n%100;
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
  else if(n<10000){
    Nokia5110_OutChar(' ');
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/1000+'0'); /* thousands digit */
    n = n%1000;
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
    n = n%100;
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */
  else {
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/10000+'0'); /* ten-thousands digit */
    n = n%10000;
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/1000+'0'); /* thousands digit */
    n = n%1000;
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/100+'0'); /* hundreds digit */
    n = n%100;
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n/10+'0'); /* tens digit */
    Nokia5110_OutChar(n%10+'0'); /* ones digit */

// Move the cursor to the desired X- and Y-position.  The
// next character will be printed here.  X=0 is the leftmost
// column.  Y=0 is the top row.
// inputs: newX  new X-position of the cursor (0<=newX<=11)
//         newY  new Y-position of the cursor (0<=newY<=5)
// outputs: none
void Nokia5110_SetCursor(unsigned char newX, unsigned char newY){
  if((newX > 11) || (newY > 5)){        // bad input
    return;                             // do nothing
  // multiply newX by 7 because each character is 7 columns wide
  lcdwrite(COMMAND, 0x80|(newX*7));     // setting bit 7 updates X-position
  lcdwrite(COMMAND, 0x40|newY);         // setting bit 6 updates Y-position
  NokiaX=newX; // position along the horizonal axis 0 to 11 
  NokiaY=newY; // position along the vertical axis 0 to 5

// Clear the LCD by writing zeros to the entire screen and
// reset the cursor to (0,0) (top left corner of screen).
// inputs: none
// outputs: none
void Nokia5110_Clear(void){
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<(MAX_X*MAX_Y/8); i=i+1){
    lcdwrite(DATA, 0x00);
  Nokia5110_SetCursor(0, 0);

// Fill the whole screen by drawing a 48x84 bitmap image.
// inputs: ptr  pointer to 504 byte bitmap
// outputs: none
// assumes: LCD is in default horizontal addressing mode (V = 0)
void Nokia5110_DrawFullImage(const char *ptr){
  int i;
  Nokia5110_SetCursor(0, 0);
  for(i=0; i<(MAX_X*MAX_Y/8); i=i+1){
    lcdwrite(DATA, ptr[i]);
char Screen[SCREENW*SCREENH/8]; // buffer stores the next image to be printed on the screen

// Bitmaps defined above were created for the LM3S1968 or
// LM3S8962's 4-bit grayscale OLED display.  They also
// still contain their header data and may contain padding
// to preserve 4-byte alignment.  This function takes a
// bitmap in the previously described format and puts its
// image data in the proper location in the buffer so the
// image will appear on the screen after the next call to
//   Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer();
// The interface and operation of this process is modeled
// after RIT128x96x4_BMP(x, y, image);
// inputs: xpos      horizontal position of bottom left corner of image, columns from the left edge
//                     must be less than 84
//                     0 is on the left; 82 is near the right
//         ypos      vertical position of bottom left corner of image, rows from the top edge
//                     must be less than 48
//                     2 is near the top; 47 is at the bottom
//         ptr       pointer to a 16 color BMP image
//         threshold grayscale colors above this number make corresponding pixel 'on'
//                     0 to 14
//                     0 is fine for ships, explosions, projectiles, and bunkers
// outputs: none
void Nokia5110_PrintBMP(unsigned char xpos, unsigned char ypos, const unsigned char *ptr, unsigned char threshold){
  long width = ptr[18], height = ptr[22], i, j;
  unsigned short screenx, screeny;
  unsigned char mask;
  // check for clipping
  if((height <= 0) ||              // bitmap is unexpectedly encoded in top-to-bottom pixel order
     ((width%2) != 0) ||           // must be even number of columns
     ((xpos + width) > SCREENW) || // right side cut off
     (ypos < (height - 1)) ||      // top cut off
     (ypos > SCREENH))           { // bottom cut off
  if(threshold > 14){
    threshold = 14;             // only full 'on' turns pixel on
  // bitmaps are encoded backwards, so start at the bottom left corner of the image
  screeny = ypos/8;
  screenx = xpos + SCREENW*screeny;
  mask = ypos%8;                // row 0 to 7
  mask = 0x01<<mask;            // now stores a mask 0x01 to 0x80
  j = ptr[10];                  // byte 10 contains the offset where image data can be found
  for(i=1; i<=(width*height/2); i=i+1){
    // the left pixel is in the upper 4 bits
    if(((ptr[j]>>4)&0xF) > threshold){
      Screen[screenx] |= mask;
    } else{
      Screen[screenx] &= ~mask;
    screenx = screenx + 1;
    // the right pixel is in the lower 4 bits
    if((ptr[j]&0xF) > threshold){
      Screen[screenx] |= mask;
    } else{
      Screen[screenx] &= ~mask;
    screenx = screenx + 1;
    j = j + 1;
    if((i%(width/2)) == 0){     // at the end of a row
      if(mask > 0x01){
        mask = mask>>1;
      } else{
        mask = 0x80;
        screeny = screeny - 1;
      screenx = xpos + SCREENW*screeny;
      // bitmaps are 32-bit word aligned
      switch((width/2)%4){      // skip any padding
        case 0: j = j + 0; break;
        case 1: j = j + 3; break;
        case 2: j = j + 2; break;
        case 3: j = j + 1; break;
// There is a buffer in RAM that holds one screen
// This routine clears this buffer
void Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(void){int i;
  for(i=0; i<SCREENW*SCREENH/8; i=i+1){
    Screen[i] = 0;              // clear buffer

// Fill the whole screen by drawing a 48x84 screen image.
// inputs: none
// outputs: none
// assumes: LCD is in default horizontal addressing mode (V = 0)
void Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(void){

const unsigned char Masks[8]={0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80};
// Clear the Image pixel at (i, j), turning it dark.
// Input: i  the row index  (0 to 47 in this case),    y-coordinate
//        j  the column index  (0 to 83 in this case), x-coordinate
// Output: none		
void Nokia5110_ClrPxl(unsigned long i, unsigned long j){
  Screen[84*(i>>3) + j] &= ~Masks[i&0x07];
// Set the Image pixel at (i, j), turning it on.
// Input: i  the row index  (0 to 47 in this case),    y-coordinate
//        j  the column index  (0 to 83 in this case), x-coordinate
// Output: none		
void Nokia5110_SetPxl(unsigned long i, unsigned long j){
  Screen[84*(i>>3) + j] |= Masks[i&0x07];