// UART.h // Runs on TM4C123 or LM4F120 // Lab 11 involves switching this from UART1 to UART0. // switching from PC5,PC4 to PA1,PA0 // Daniel Valvano // December 29, 2014 /* This example accompanies the book "Embedded Systems: Introduction to ARM Cortex M Microcontrollers", ISBN: 978-1469998749, Jonathan Valvano, copyright (c) 2014 Copyright 2015 by Jonathan W. Valvano, valvano@mail.utexas.edu You may use, edit, run or distribute this file as long as the above copyright notice remains THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. VALVANO SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. For more information about my classes, my research, and my books, see http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/ */ // this connection occurs in the USB debugging cable // U0Rx (PA0) connected to serial port on PC // U0Tx (PA1) connected to serial port on PC // Ground connected ground in the USB cable // standard ASCII symbols #define CR 0x0D #define LF 0x0A #define BS 0x08 #define ESC 0x1B #define SP 0x20 #define DEL 0x7F //------------UART_Init------------ // Initialize the UART for 115200 baud rate (assuming 80 MHz clock), // 8 bit word length, no parity bits, one stop bit, FIFOs enabled // Input: none // Output: none void UART_Init(void); //------------UART_InChar------------ // Wait for new serial port input // Input: none // Output: ASCII code for key typed unsigned char UART_InChar(void); //------------UART_InCharNonBlocking------------ // Get oldest serial port input and return immediately // if there is no data. // Input: none // Output: ASCII code for key typed or 0 if no character unsigned char UART_InCharNonBlocking(void); //------------UART_OutChar------------ // Output 8-bit to serial port // Input: letter is an 8-bit ASCII character to be transferred // Output: none void UART_OutChar(unsigned char data); //------------UART_InUDec------------ // InUDec accepts ASCII input in unsigned decimal format // and converts to a 32-bit unsigned number // valid range is 0 to 4294967295 (2^32-1) // Input: none // Output: 32-bit unsigned number // If you enter a number above 4294967295, it will return an incorrect value // Backspace will remove last digit typed unsigned long UART_InUDec(void); //------------UART_OutString------------ // Output String (NULL termination) // Input: pointer to a NULL-terminated string to be transferred // Output: none void UART_OutString(unsigned char buffer[]); //-----------------------UART_ConvertUDec----------------------- // Converts a 32-bit number in unsigned decimal format // Input: 32-bit number to be transferred // Output: store the conversion in global variable String[10] // Fixed format 4 digits, one space after, null termination // Examples // 4 to " 4 " // 31 to " 31 " // 102 to " 102 " // 2210 to "2210 " //10000 to "**** " any value larger than 9999 converted to "**** " void UART_ConvertUDec(unsigned long n); //-----------------------UART_OutUDec----------------------- // Output a 32-bit number in unsigned decimal format // Input: 32-bit number to be transferred // Output: none // Fixed format 4 digits, one space after, null termination void UART_OutUDec(unsigned long n); //-----------------------UART_ConvertDistance----------------------- // Converts a 32-bit distance into an ASCII string // Input: 32-bit number to be converted (resolution 0.001cm) // Output: store the conversion in global variable String[10] // Fixed format 1 digit, point, 3 digits, space, units, null termination // Examples // 4 to "0.004 cm" // 31 to "0.031 cm" // 102 to "0.102 cm" // 2210 to "2.210 cm" //10000 to "*.*** cm" any value larger than 9999 converted to "*.*** cm" void UART_ConvertDistance(unsigned long n); //-----------------------UART_OutDistance----------------------- // Output a 32-bit number in unsigned decimal fixed-point format // Input: 32-bit number to be transferred (resolution 0.001cm) // Output: none // Fixed format 1 digit, point, 3 digits, space, units, null termination void UART_OutDistance(unsigned long n);