//***************************************************************************** // // tftp.c - A very simple lwIP TFTP server. // // Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision of the Tiva Utility Library. // //***************************************************************************** #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include "inc/hw_memmap.h" #include "inc/hw_types.h" #include "utils/uartstdio.h" #include "utils/lwiplib.h" #include "utils/ustdlib.h" //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup tftp_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** #include "utils/tftp.h" //***************************************************************************** // // The TFTP commands. // //***************************************************************************** #define TFTP_RRQ 1 #define TFTP_WRQ 2 #define TFTP_DATA 3 #define TFTP_ACK 4 #define TFTP_ERROR 5 //***************************************************************************** // // The UDP port for the TFTP server. // //***************************************************************************** #define TFTP_PORT 69 //***************************************************************************** // // Application connection notification callback. // //***************************************************************************** static tTFTPRequest g_pfnRequest; //***************************************************************************** // // Close the TFTP connection and free associated resources. // //***************************************************************************** static void TFTPClose(tTFTPConnection *psTFTP) { // // Tell the application we are closing the connection. // if(psTFTP->pfnClose) { psTFTP->pfnClose(psTFTP); } // // Close the underlying UDP connection. // udp_remove(psTFTP->psPCB); // // Free the instance data structure. // mem_free(psTFTP); } //***************************************************************************** // // Sends a TFTP error packet. // //***************************************************************************** static void TFTPErrorSend(tTFTPConnection *psTFTP, tTFTPError eError) { uint32_t ui32Length; uint8_t *pui8Data; struct pbuf *p; // // How big is this packet going to be? // ui32Length = 5 + strlen(psTFTP->pcErrorString); // // Allocate a pbuf for this data packet. // p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, ui32Length, PBUF_RAM); if(!p) { return; } // // Get a pointer to the data packet. // pui8Data = (uint8_t *)p->payload; // // Fill in the packet. // pui8Data[0] = (TFTP_ERROR >> 8) & 0xff; pui8Data[1] = TFTP_ERROR & 0xff; pui8Data[2] = ((uint32_t)eError >> 8) & 0xff; pui8Data[3] = (uint32_t)eError & 0xff; memcpy(&pui8Data[4], psTFTP->pcErrorString, ui32Length - 5); // // Send the data packet. // udp_send(psTFTP->psPCB, p); // // Free the pbuf. // pbuf_free(p); } //***************************************************************************** // // Sends a TFTP data packet. // //***************************************************************************** static void TFTPDataSend(tTFTPConnection *psTFTP) { uint32_t ui32Length; uint8_t *pui8Data; tTFTPError eError; struct pbuf *p; // // Determine the number of bytes to place into this packet. // if(psTFTP->ui32DataRemaining < (psTFTP->ui32BlockNum * TFTP_BLOCK_SIZE)) { ui32Length = psTFTP->ui32DataRemaining & (TFTP_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); } else { ui32Length = TFTP_BLOCK_SIZE; } // // Allocate a pbuf for this data packet. // p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, ui32Length + 4, PBUF_RAM); if(!p) { return; } // // Get a pointer to the data packet. // pui8Data = (uint8_t *)p->payload; // // Fill in the packet header. // pui8Data[0] = (TFTP_DATA >> 8) & 0xff; pui8Data[1] = TFTP_DATA & 0xff; pui8Data[2] = (psTFTP->ui32BlockNum >> 8) & 0xff; pui8Data[3] = psTFTP->ui32BlockNum & 0xff; // // Ask the application to provide the data we need. // psTFTP->pui8Data = pui8Data + 4; psTFTP->ui32DataLength = ui32Length; eError = psTFTP->pfnGetData(psTFTP); // // Send the data packet or, if an error was reported, send an error. // if(eError == TFTP_OK) { udp_send(psTFTP->psPCB, p); } else { TFTPErrorSend(psTFTP, eError); TFTPClose(psTFTP); } // // Free the pbuf. // pbuf_free(p); } //***************************************************************************** // // Send an ACK packet back to the TFTP client. // //***************************************************************************** static void TFTPDataAck(tTFTPConnection *psTFTP) { uint8_t *pui8Data; struct pbuf *p; // // Allocate a pbuf for this data packet. // p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, 4, PBUF_RAM); if(!p) { return; } // // Get a pointer to the data packet. // pui8Data = (uint8_t *)p->payload; // // Fill in the packet header. // pui8Data[0] = (TFTP_ACK >> 8) & 0xff; pui8Data[1] = TFTP_ACK & 0xff; pui8Data[2] = (psTFTP->ui32BlockNum >> 8) & 0xff; pui8Data[3] = psTFTP->ui32BlockNum & 0xff; // // Send the data packet. // udp_send(psTFTP->psPCB, p); // // Free the pbuf. // pbuf_free(p); } //***************************************************************************** // // Handles datagrams received from the TFTP data connection. // //***************************************************************************** static void TFTPDataRecv(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port) { uint8_t *pui8Data; uint32_t ui32Block; struct pbuf *pBuf; tTFTPConnection *psTFTP; tTFTPError eRetcode; // // Initialize our return code. // eRetcode = TFTP_ERR_NOT_DEFINED; // // Get a pointer to the connection instance data. // psTFTP = (tTFTPConnection *)arg; // // Get a pointer to the TFTP packet. // pui8Data = (uint8_t *)(p->payload); // // If this is an ACK packet, send back the next block to satisfy an // ongoing GET (read) request. // if((pui8Data[0] == ((TFTP_ACK >> 8) & 0xff)) && (pui8Data[1] == (TFTP_ACK & 0xff))) { // // Extract the block number from the acknowledge. // ui32Block = (pui8Data[2] << 8) + pui8Data[3]; // // DEBUG ONLY! // UARTprintf("ACK %d\n", ui32Block); // // See if there is more data to be sent. Note that we need the "<=" // here to ensure that we send back a zero length packet in the case // that the file is a multiple of 512 bytes (in other words, the last // packet of valid data was a full packet). // if((ui32Block * TFTP_BLOCK_SIZE) <= psTFTP->ui32DataRemaining) { // // Send the next block of the file. // psTFTP->ui32BlockNum = ui32Block + 1; TFTPDataSend(psTFTP); } else { // // The transfer is complete, so close the data connection. // TFTPClose(psTFTP); psTFTP = NULL; } } else { // // If this is a DATA packet, get the payload and write it to the // appropriate location in the serial flash. // if((pui8Data[0] == ((TFTP_DATA >> 8) & 0xff)) && (pui8Data[1] == (TFTP_DATA & 0xff))) { // // This is a data packet. Extract the block number from the packet // and set the offset within the block (stored in // ui32DataRemaining) to zero. // psTFTP->ui32BlockNum = (pui8Data[2] << 8) + pui8Data[3]; psTFTP->ui32DataRemaining = 0; psTFTP->ui32DataLength = p->len - 4; // // Pass the data back to the application for handling. Remember // that the data may be stored across several pbufs in the chain. // We can't assume it is in a contiguous block. // psTFTP->pui8Data = pui8Data + 4; pBuf = p; // // Keep writing until we run out of data. // while(pBuf) { // // Pass this block to the application. // eRetcode = psTFTP->pfnPutData(psTFTP); // // Was the data written successfully? // if(eRetcode != TFTP_OK) { // // No - drop out. // break; } // // Update the offset so that it is correct for the next pbuf // in the chain. // psTFTP->ui32DataRemaining += psTFTP->ui32DataLength; // // Move to the next pbuf in the chain // pBuf = pBuf->next; if(pBuf) { psTFTP->pui8Data = pBuf->payload; psTFTP->ui32DataLength = pBuf->len; } } // // If we get here and there was an error reported, pass the error // back to the TFTP client. // if(psTFTP && (eRetcode != TFTP_OK)) { // // Send the error code to the client. // TFTPErrorSend(psTFTP, eRetcode); // // Close the connection. // TFTPClose(psTFTP); psTFTP = NULL; } else { // // Acknowledge this block. // TFTPDataAck(psTFTP); // // Is the transfer finished? // if(p->tot_len < (TFTP_BLOCK_SIZE + 4)) { // // We got a short packet so the transfer is complete. // Close the connection. // TFTPClose(psTFTP); psTFTP = NULL; } } } else { // // Is the client reporting an error? // if((pui8Data[0] == ((TFTP_ERROR >> 8) & 0xff)) && (pui8Data[1] == (TFTP_ERROR & 0xff))) { // // Yes - we got an error so close the connection. // TFTPClose(psTFTP); psTFTP = NULL; } } } // // Free the pbuf. // pbuf_free(p); } //***************************************************************************** // // Parses the request string to determine the transfer mode, netascii, octet or // mail, for this request. // //***************************************************************************** static tTFTPMode TFTPModeGet(uint8_t *pui8Request, uint32_t ui32Len) { uint32_t ui32Loop, ui32Max; // // Look for the first zero after the start of the filename string (skipping // the first two bytes of the request packet). // for(ui32Loop = 2; ui32Loop < ui32Len; ui32Loop++) { if(pui8Request[ui32Loop] == (uint8_t)0) { break; } } // // Skip past the zero. // ui32Loop++; // // Did we run off the end of the string? // if(ui32Loop >= ui32Len) { // // Yes - this appears to be an invalid request. // return(TFTP_MODE_INVALID); } // // How much data do we have left to look for the mode string? // ui32Max = ui32Len - ui32Loop; // // Now determine which of the modes this request asks for. Is it ASCII? // if(!ustrncasecmp("netascii", (char *)&pui8Request[ui32Loop], ui32Max)) { // // This is an ASCII file transfer. // return(TFTP_MODE_NETASCII); } // // Binary transfer? // if(!ustrncasecmp("octet", (char *)&pui8Request[ui32Loop], ui32Max)) { // // This is a binary file transfer. // return(TFTP_MODE_OCTET); } // // All other strings are invalid or obsolete ("mail" for example). // return(TFTP_MODE_INVALID); } //***************************************************************************** // // Handles datagrams received on the TFTP server port. // //***************************************************************************** static void TFTPRecv(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port) { uint8_t *pui8Data; bool bGetRequest; tTFTPMode eMode; tTFTPError eRetcode; tTFTPConnection *psTFTP; // // Get a pointer to the TFTP packet. // pui8Data = (uint8_t *)(p->payload); // // Is this a read (GET) request? // if((pui8Data[0] == ((TFTP_RRQ >> 8) & 0xff)) && (pui8Data[1] == (TFTP_RRQ & 0xff))) { // // Yes - remember that this is a GET request. // bGetRequest = true; } // // Is this a write (PUT) request? // else if((pui8Data[0] == ((TFTP_WRQ >> 8) & 0xff)) && (pui8Data[1] == (TFTP_WRQ & 0xff))) { // // Yes - remember that this is a PUT request. // bGetRequest = false; } else { // // The request is neither GET nor PUT so just ignore it. // pbuf_free(p); return; } // // What is the mode for this request? // eMode = TFTPModeGet(pui8Data, p->len); // // Was the transfer mode valid? // if(eMode != TFTP_MODE_INVALID) { // // The transfer mode is valid so allocate a new connection instance // and pass this to the client to have it tell us how to proceed. // psTFTP = (tTFTPConnection *)mem_malloc(sizeof(tTFTPConnection)); // // If we can't allocate the connection instance, all we can do is // ignore the datagram. // if(!psTFTP) { pbuf_free(p); return; } // // Clear out the structure and initialize a few fields. // memset(psTFTP, 0, sizeof(tTFTPConnection)); psTFTP->pcErrorString = "Unknown error"; // // Yes - create the new UDP connection and set things up to // handle this request. // psTFTP->psPCB = udp_new(); udp_recv(psTFTP->psPCB, TFTPDataRecv, psTFTP); udp_connect(psTFTP->psPCB, addr, port); // // Ask the application if it wants to proceed with this request. // eRetcode = g_pfnRequest(psTFTP, bGetRequest, (int8_t *)(pui8Data + 2), eMode); // // Does it want to go on? // if(eRetcode == TFTP_OK) { // // Yes - what kind of request is this? // if(bGetRequest) { // // For a GET request, we send back the first block of data. // psTFTP->ui32BlockNum = 1; TFTPDataSend(psTFTP); } else { // // For a PUT request, we acknowledge the transfer which tells // the TFTP client that it can start sending us data. // psTFTP->ui32BlockNum = 0; TFTPDataAck(psTFTP); } } else { // // The application indicated that there was an error. Send the // error report and close the connection. // TFTPErrorSend(psTFTP, eRetcode); TFTPClose(psTFTP); psTFTP = NULL; } } // // Free the pbuf. // pbuf_free(p); } //***************************************************************************** // //! Initializes the TFTP server module. //! //! \param pfnRequest - A pointer to the function which the server will call //! whenever a new incoming TFTP request is received. This function must //! determine whether the request can be handled and return a value telling the //! server whether to continue processing the request or ignore it. //! //! This function initializes the lwIP TFTP server and starts listening for //! incoming requests from clients. It must be called after the network stack //! is initialized using a call to lwIPInit(). //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void TFTPInit(tTFTPRequest pfnRequest) { void *pcb; // // Remember the application's notification callback. // g_pfnRequest = pfnRequest; // // Start listening for incoming TFTP requests. // pcb = udp_new(); udp_recv(pcb, TFTPRecv, NULL); udp_bind(pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, TFTP_PORT); } //***************************************************************************** // // Close the Doxygen group. //! @} // //*****************************************************************************