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* File: Homework_I.c
* Author: Viktor Akulich
* Created: 26.09.2018
* Last edit: 01.10.2018
* Description: Calculating Function y = f(x)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> //include this labrary for sqrt() and pow() functions
int main(){
int i; // use this variable for FOR LOOPS
float i_func[15]; //An array of input values of the function
float out_func; //The result of the function if it is possible
float A; //User input starting point
float B; //User input ending point
float C; //User input step's coefficient
float H; //User input step
//use floats because the input and result
// can be any real number.
//Ask user different variables values.
printf("Insert the starting value: \n");
scanf("%f", &A); //get the starting value
printf("Insert the endingg value:\n");
scanf("%f", &B);
if (B>A)
printf("Please repeat!!!!\n");
printf("Insert the number which is bigger than starting value :\n");
printf("Insert the step value:\n");
//Cheak user input by implementing while loop
//it always true because 1 is TRUE
//is always True, so the only way to stop it use
//break statement
//If it meets the requirement such as B>A then we
// stop the loop and go to the next loop
//If it doesn't meet the requrement we ask user
// to repeat the operation and start the loop from the beginning
scanf("%f", &H);
if (H > 0)
printf("Please repeat. Insert the number which is bigger than 0:\n");
printf("Insert the step's coeficient value should be >=1:\n");
scanf("%f", &C);
if (C>=1)
printf("Please repeat. Insert the number which is bigger or equal to one:\n");
//Do almost the same operations for step value and its
//coefficient as well.The difference is only in the condition after
//IF statement and text inside PRINTF statement
for(i = 1; i < 15; i++)
i_func[i] = i_func[i-1] + (H * pow(C,(i - 1)));
//Create all inputs for the function
//Create 0th element, which I will use to create other values.
//use for loop in order to fill the array with appropriate values
//fill each element by adding to previous element C^(i-1)*H,
printf(" x\t\ty\n");
//make two colums X and Y by using \t twice
//otherwise Y doesn't coinside with numbers
for(i = 0; i < 15; i++){ //use the FOR LOOP to fill two collums with X and
//Y values, and cheak wheather Y value is exist, Not
//available or it is a complex number
if (i_func[i] >= B)
{ //by defenitions the values couldn't
//be more than ending point, but it might happen that
break; //when the array was filling in some values exceeded
//the ending point(B) so I have to cheak.
//if we find the values which are greater
//than B we could break the loop beacause the other
//values in array are also bigger than B
if ((i_func[i] == 0)||(i_func[i] == 1))
printf(" %f\tNot available\n", i_func[i] );
//If Statement checks wheather the Y value is NOT available.
//This happens only when the denominator is equal to zero.
//It only happens when X=1 or X=0
else if((pow(i_func[i], 3) > 4)||(( i_func [i] > 0) && ( i_func [i] < 1)))
printf(" %f\tComplex Number\n", i_func[i] );
//IF statement checks whether the Y value is a Complex number.
// This is only happens when we have a square root
//out of negative number.It only happens when
//X[0,1]and X > qubic root out of four
{ //if our value can be found then we use next
//opearations to fidnd it
out_func = (( i_func[i] + 4 ) /
(sqrt(pow(i_func[i], 2) - i_func[i]))) *
pow( i_func[i], 2) *
sqrt(4 - pow(i_func[i], 3) );
printf(" %f\t%f\n", i_func[i],out_func);
//use the variable output_func just for
//making more clear how the values of
//the function is calculated
//Don't use an array for output values because
//I just need to find the values and print them,
return 0;
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