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* File: Homework_2.c
* Author: Viktor Akulcih
* Created: 26.11.2018
* Last edit: 26.11.2018
* Description: sorting, displaying the hiking traces to the user
//inctlude libraries for user input/output and operation on strings
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//define the velocity
#define VELOCITY 5
//declaration of the functions that do diferents tasks
//the explanation about each function can be found before the function body
void filling_array(char arr1[15][20], char arr[15][20], float val[15], int n);
void sorting(char arr1[15][20], char arr2[15][20], float val[15], int n);
void tracePrint(char arr1[15][20], int n);
void printSort(char arr1[15][20], char arr2[15][20], int n);
void traceHaveTime(char arr[15][20], int n, int time, float val[15]);
int timeSet();
int firstVal();
int main()
int n, time;
/*the declration of integers first one is the number of
* traces second one is a time their are given by a user
float val[15] = {0};
/*the values of distances of traces in float form
* we need this in order to compare which of the traces we
* can complete in given time span
char trcs[15][20] = {0};
char dstnc[15][20] = {0};
// arrays for distances and names of traces
n = firstVal();
/* functin cheack whether n betwenn 1 and 15
* will return n only if it satisfies previous condition
* it gives the value for the number of traces
filling_array(trcs, dstnc, val, n);
/*the function fills ask the user to
* fill the arrays of distance and name of traces
* Also converts distance into floats
time = timeSet();
//ask user to print the value for time
tracePrint(trcs, n);
//prints all traces
sorting(trcs, dstnc, val, n);
//sorts the traces distances
printSort(trcs, dstnc, n);
//print sorted array of distances by the length
traceHaveTime(trcs, n, time, val);
/*writes the name of the traces that can be walked during
*the given time span and the give speed
return 0;
/* The function ask the user to inser the value for time
* It will ask the user until it meets the requrenment
* (time should be positive)
int timeSet(){
int time;
printf("Please write the time\n");
scanf("%d", &time);
if(time > 0)
printf("Please repeat\n");
return time;
/* The function's input:
* array of traces names, number of traces, the time and the distance values
* the function's does:
* prints all traces that user can complete in given period of time
* by comparing the product of time and velocity to the length of the
* trace. Since the array is already sorted it is possible to stop the
* comparison when the distanse is bigger than the user can walk
* if it meets the requirenment then it prints the accoriding trace
* otherwise it will break the loop.
void traceHaveTime(char arr[15][20],int n, int time, float val[15]){
int i;
printf("One of the following trails can be completed in %d hour: ",time);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (time * VELOCITY >= val[i]){
printf("%s ", arr[i]);
/* the function's input:
* two arrays the names
* the function's does:
* prints sorted value of trails and distanses
void printSort(char arr1[15][20], char arr2[15][20], int n){
int i;
printf("Trail lengths\n");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d.%s\t%s km\n", i + 1, arr1[i], arr2[i]);
//i+1 in order to start from 1 not from 0.
/* the function's input:
* unsorted array, and number of trails
* the function's does:
* prints all trails that were given by a user
void tracePrint(char arr1[15][20], int n){
int i;
printf("Traces: ");
for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
printf("%s, ", arr1[i]);
//does not print the last value since the last comma
//is unnecessary
printf("%s\n", arr1[n-1]);
//print the last value without a comma
/*function input:
* empty arrays of distances and names of traces,
* values for distances, number of traces;
* Since it is requred to know n traces and n distances
* the code reads the user input 2n times
void filling_array(char arr[15][20],char arr1[15][20],float val[15],int n){
int i, y, j;
//use the variable to keep track of different elements inside arrays
printf("Please, start filling in the traces and distances\n");
y = 0;
j = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++)
//first it scanf the value for trace then it scanf the value for
//distance, use additional variables j and y in order
// to keep track of number of element of each array
if(i % 2 == 0)
printf("Write the trace #%d:\n", j + 1);
printf("Write the distance #%d:\n", y + 1);
scanf("%s", arr1[y]);
val[y] = atof(arr1[y]);
//atof converts the string to a float
/*the function ask the user to inser the value
* It will ask the user until it meets the requrenment
int firstVal(){
int n;
printf("Write the number of traces\n");
printf("Your value n is: ");
if((n < 1) || (n > 15))
printf("Please repeat the procedure\n");
return n;
/*sorts the distances, names of traces by buble sort
* by comparint the value inside the val array to next one
void sorting(char arr1[15][20], char arr2[15][20], float val[15], int n){
int i,j;
char temp[20];
float swap;
//swap and temp are used in order to swap array values
i = 0;
while(i < n)
j = 0;
while(j < n - 1)
if(val[j] > val[j+1])
swap = val[j];
//swaping the values for all 3 arrays
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