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* File: krypto2.c
* Author: Rainer Liis
* Created: 29.01.2018
* Last edit: 31.01.2018
* Descrption: Encryption and decryption of text using caesar cipher.
* Input from text file and output to a text file.
* Encryption counts up, decryption counts down.
#include <stdio.h>
void encrypt ();
void decrypt ();
int main (void)
char valik;
printf ("Do you wish to encrypt or decrypt?\n");
// user enters choice
printf ("Please enter a valid option(e/d):");
scanf ("%c", &valik);
while (valik != 'e' && valik != 'd');
//depending on the choice, a function is started
if (valik == 'e')
encrypt ();
else if (valik == 'd')
decrypt ();
printf ("option does not exist"); // if input is not one of
} // the choices
return 0;
void encrypt ()
char ni[80] = "sisend.txt", no[80] = "tul.txt";
char c;
int key;
int caesar;
FILE *fi, *fo;
fi = fopen (ni, "r");
fo = fopen (no, "w");
printf ("Enter the encryption key to encrypt: ");
scanf ("%d", &key);
key = key % 26; // in case the key is too large
c = fgetc(fi);
if (feof(fi)) // loop breaks when fgetc reaches end of file
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) // if char is uppercase
if ((c + key) > 90)
caesar = c - (26 - key);
caesar = (int)c + key;
else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) // if char is lowercase
if ((c + key) > 122)
caesar = c - (26 - key);
caesar = (int)c + key;
printf ("%c", caesar);
fprintf (fo, "%c", caesar);
while (1);
printf (" \n");
void decrypt ()
char ni[80] = "sisend.txt", no[80] = "tul.txt";
char c;
int key;
int caesar;
FILE *fi, *fo;
fi = fopen (ni, "r");
fo = fopen (no, "w");
printf("Enter the encryption key to decrypt: ");
scanf ("%d", &key);
key = key % 26; // in case the key is too large
c = fgetc(fi);
if (feof(fi)) // loop breaks when fgetc reaches end of file
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) // if char is uppercase
if ((c - key) < 65)
caesar = c + (26 - key);
caesar = (int)c - key;
else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) // if char is lowercase
if ((c - key) < 97)
caesar = c + (26 - key);
caesar = (int)c - key;
printf ("%c", caesar);
fprintf (fo, "%c", caesar);
while (1);
printf (" \n");
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