Commit bba83b74 by otsall

c program of homework1

parent 0defa4ca
Showing with 52 additions and 0 deletions
#include <stdio.h> //using only stdio.h and not math.h for powers to make the program more lightweight
float function(float x){//this is the function itself, returns the value when given the input; a function of a function
return (4*x*x*x + 3*x*x + 2*x - 4) / (2 + 1/x);
int main(){
float x, // input of the function, called A in the task description, using x as it is in the original function
value, //the value of the function
H, //the step
YM;//minimum value of function
int i = 0;//for counting the number of executions of the function
//setup for the calculations
printf("this program calculates the function y = (4*x*x*x + 3*x*x + 2*x - 4) / (2 + 1/x) a maximum of 15 times\n");
printf("please input starting value\n");
scanf("%f", &x); //scanning the starting value
printf("please input the step (has to be larger than 0)\n");
scanf("%f", &H);//scanning the step
while(H <= 0){//making sure it's bigger than 0, if not, prompts the user again.
printf("the step has to be larger than 0\n");
scanf("%f", &H);
printf("please input the lower function value\n");
scanf("%f", &YM);//scanning the lower limit
while(i < 15){//starts the loop, exits on the 16th time
if(x == -0.5 || x == 0){ //in these cases the function would divide by 0 and that is not acceptable
printf("if x = %f y = not available\n", x);
value = function(x);//the function
if(value >= YM){
printf("if x = %f y = %f\n", x, value);//if the value is lower than YM, prints the value of the function
printf("lower limit of function exceeded");
break;//breaks the loop when the value is under the lower limit
x = x + H; //increases the input by step
i++; //counts the executions of the function
return 0;
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