Commit a2152ecc by karade

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* File: generator.h
* Author: Risto Heinsar
* Created: 12.03.2015
* Modified 12.03.2023
* Description: Header file to provide the name pools required for the task.
#define NAME_MAX 40
#define DOB_MAX 20
#define STR_MAX 128
#define SEAT_MAX 5
#define SEATS 72
#define DOC_MAX 10
typedef struct{
char documentNum[DOC_MAX];
char fName[NAME_MAX];
char lName[NAME_MAX];
char dateOfBirth[DOB_MAX];
char email[STR_MAX];
char residency[STR_MAX];
bool checkedIn;
char seat[SEAT_MAX];
int luggageClass;
int GetRand(int numMin, int numMax);
void GenNames(users *data, int num);
int ComparCandidate(const void *a, const void *b);
int GetUniqueSeat(users *data, int len, const char *seats, int size, char *seat);
void GenerateDateOfBirth(char *month, char *DoB);
void ProcessPerson(char *email);
#endif //GENERATOR_H
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