Commit 41f0e481 by kigrig

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parent f6e29066
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(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["chartist"], function (Chartist) {
return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(Chartist));
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(require("chartist"));
} else {
root['Chartist.plugins.ctAccessibility'] = factory(Chartist);
}(this, function (Chartist) {
* Chartist.js plugin that generates visually hidden tables for better accessibility. It's also possible to initialize a Chart with data from an existing table.
/* global Chartist */
(function (window, document, Chartist) {
'use strict';
// A simple recursive DOM string builder
function Element(name, attrs, parent) {
return {
elem: function (name, attrs) {
var e = Element(name, attrs, this);
return e;
children: [],
name: name,
_attrs: attrs || {},
_parent: parent,
parent: function () {
return this._parent;
attrs: function (attrs) {
this._attrs = attrs;
return this;
text: function (text, after) {
if (after) {
this._textAfter = text;
} else {
this._textBefore = text;
return this;
toString: function () {
var attrs = Object.keys(this._attrs).filter(function (attrName) {
return this._attrs[attrName] || this._attrs[attrName] === 0;
}.bind(this)).map(function (attrName) {
return [attrName, '="', this._attrs[attrName], '"'].join('');
}.bind(this)).join(' ');
return ['<',, attrs ? ' ' + attrs : '', '>', this._textBefore].concat( (child) {
return child.toString();
})).concat([this._textAfter, '</',, '>']).join('');
var defaultOptions = {
caption: 'A graphical chart',
seriesHeader: 'Series name',
valueTransform: Chartist.noop,
summary: undefined,
class: undefined,
elementId: function () {
return 'ct-accessibility-table-' + (+new Date());
visuallyHiddenStyles: 'position:absolute;left:-10000px;top:auto;width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;'
Chartist.plugins = Chartist.plugins || {};
Chartist.plugins.ctAccessibility = function (options) {
options = Chartist.extend({}, defaultOptions, options);
return function ctAccessibility(chart) {
var elementId = typeof options.elementId === 'function' ? options.elementId() : options.elementId;
chart.on('created', function (data) {
var containerElement = data.svg._node.parentNode;
var previousElement = containerElement.querySelector('#' + elementId);
if(previousElement) {
// As we are now compensating the SVG graphic with the chart with an accessibility table, we hide it for ARIA
'aria-hidden': 'true'
// Create wrapper element
var element = Element('div', {
style: options.visuallyHiddenStyles,
id: elementId
// Create table body with caption
var tBody = element.elem('table', {
summary: options.summary,
class: options.class
var firstRow = tBody.elem('tr');
if (chart instanceof Chartist.Pie) {
// For pie charts we have only column headers and one series
var dataArray = Chartist.getDataArray(, chart.optionsProvider.getCurrentOptions().reverseData);
// First render the column headers with our pie chart labels (text) {
.elem('th', {
scope: 'col',
role: 'columnheader'
var row = tBody.elem('tr');
// Add all data fields of our pie chart to the row
dataArray.forEach(function (dataValue) {
} else {
// For line and bar charts we have multiple series and therefore also row headers
var normalizedData = Chartist.getDataArray(, chart.optionsProvider.getCurrentOptions().reverseData);
// Add column headers inclusing the series column header for the row headers
[options.seriesHeader].concat( (text) {
.elem('th', {
scope: 'col',
role: 'columnheader'
// Add all data rows including their row headers (series, index) {
var seriesName = || [index + 1, '. Series'].join('');
var row = tBody.elem('tr');
row.elem('th', {
scope: 'row',
role: 'rowheader'
normalizedData[index].forEach(function (dataValue) {
// Update invisible table in DOM and update table element with newly created table
containerElement.appendChild(new DOMParser().parseFromString(element.toString(), 'text/html').getElementById(elementId));
}(window, document, Chartist));
return Chartist.plugins.ctAccessibility;
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