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mvahes / Lennubroneerimis_tarkvara
Tarkvara lennubroneerigu tegemiseks, muutmiseks jne.
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agile-java / ChessAndroid
A chess program from Exercises in "Agile Java". This is the first version, written with Android API. Further changes are made in AgileJavaExercises project.
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krkadf / my_awesome_project
GitLab testimine loeng 6
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kmicha / proge2_KT_II
Programmeerimine II Kontrolltöö 2
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egikko / my_awesome_project
GitLab testimine loeng 6
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likorn / quick_max
Quick Max
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kigrig / Andmetootlus-Joe-Andmete-Alusel
Project for cource "Tarkvara projekt"
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René Pihlak / IAS0440_code_coverage_sv
Simple examples of code coverage with SystemVerilog.
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utt0110 / 2020_camera_door_alarm
Facial Recogntition based door alarm system
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René Pihlak / IAS0440_MUX_2
Examples in SystemVerilog
2-bit MUX
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rufort / IAS0360_lab_excercises_2024
IAS0360 lab exercises for students
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