<?php /* * This file is part of the webmozart/assert package. * * (c) Bernhard Schussek <bschussek@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Webmozart\Assert; use ArrayAccess; use BadMethodCallException; use Closure; use Countable; use Exception; use InvalidArgumentException; use Throwable; use Traversable; /** * Efficient assertions to validate the input/output of your methods. * * @method static void nullOrString($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrStringNotEmpty($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrInteger($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIntegerish($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrFloat($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNumeric($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNatural($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrBoolean($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrScalar($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrObject($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrResource($value, $type = null, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsCallable($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsArray($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsTraversable($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsArrayAccessible($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsCountable($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsIterable($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNotInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsInstanceOfAny($value, $classes, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsEmpty($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNotEmpty($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrTrue($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrFalse($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIp($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIpv4($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIpv6($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrEq($value, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNotEq($value,$value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrSame($value, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNotSame($value, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrGreaterThan($value, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrGreaterThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrLessThan($value, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrLessThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrRange($value, $min, $max, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrOneOf($value, $values, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrContains($value, $subString, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNotContains($value, $subString, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNotWhitespaceOnly($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrStartsWith($value, $prefix, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrStartsWithLetter($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrEndsWith($value, $suffix, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrRegex($value, $pattern, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrNotRegex($value, $pattern, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrAlpha($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrDigits($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrAlnum($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrLower($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrUpper($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrLength($value, $length, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrMinLength($value, $min, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrMaxLength($value, $max, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrLengthBetween($value, $min, $max, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrFileExists($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrFile($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrDirectory($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrReadable($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrWritable($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrClassExists($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrSubclassOf($value, $class, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrInterfaceExists($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrImplementsInterface($value, $interface, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrPropertyExists($value, $property, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrPropertyNotExists($value, $property, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrMethodExists($value, $method, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrMethodNotExists($value, $method, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrKeyExists($value, $key, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrKeyNotExists($value, $key, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrCount($value, $key, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrMinCount($value, $min, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrMaxCount($value, $max, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsList($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrIsMap($value, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrCountBetween($value, $min, $max, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrUuid($values, $message = '') * @method static void nullOrThrows($expression, $class = 'Exception', $message = '') * @method static void allString($values, $message = '') * @method static void allStringNotEmpty($values, $message = '') * @method static void allInteger($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIntegerish($values, $message = '') * @method static void allFloat($values, $message = '') * @method static void allNumeric($values, $message = '') * @method static void allNatural($values, $message = '') * @method static void allBoolean($values, $message = '') * @method static void allScalar($values, $message = '') * @method static void allObject($values, $message = '') * @method static void allResource($values, $type = null, $message = '') * @method static void allIsCallable($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsArray($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsTraversable($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsArrayAccessible($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsCountable($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsIterable($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsInstanceOf($values, $class, $message = '') * @method static void allNotInstanceOf($values, $class, $message = '') * @method static void allIsInstanceOfAny($values, $classes, $message = '') * @method static void allNull($values, $message = '') * @method static void allNotNull($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsEmpty($values, $message = '') * @method static void allNotEmpty($values, $message = '') * @method static void allTrue($values, $message = '') * @method static void allFalse($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIp($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIpv4($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIpv6($values, $message = '') * @method static void allEq($values, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void allNotEq($values,$value2, $message = '') * @method static void allSame($values, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void allNotSame($values, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void allGreaterThan($values, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void allGreaterThanEq($values, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void allLessThan($values, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void allLessThanEq($values, $value2, $message = '') * @method static void allRange($values, $min, $max, $message = '') * @method static void allOneOf($values, $values, $message = '') * @method static void allContains($values, $subString, $message = '') * @method static void allNotContains($values, $subString, $message = '') * @method static void allNotWhitespaceOnly($values, $message = '') * @method static void allStartsWith($values, $prefix, $message = '') * @method static void allStartsWithLetter($values, $message = '') * @method static void allEndsWith($values, $suffix, $message = '') * @method static void allRegex($values, $pattern, $message = '') * @method static void allNotRegex($values, $pattern, $message = '') * @method static void allAlpha($values, $message = '') * @method static void allDigits($values, $message = '') * @method static void allAlnum($values, $message = '') * @method static void allLower($values, $message = '') * @method static void allUpper($values, $message = '') * @method static void allLength($values, $length, $message = '') * @method static void allMinLength($values, $min, $message = '') * @method static void allMaxLength($values, $max, $message = '') * @method static void allLengthBetween($values, $min, $max, $message = '') * @method static void allFileExists($values, $message = '') * @method static void allFile($values, $message = '') * @method static void allDirectory($values, $message = '') * @method static void allReadable($values, $message = '') * @method static void allWritable($values, $message = '') * @method static void allClassExists($values, $message = '') * @method static void allSubclassOf($values, $class, $message = '') * @method static void allInterfaceExists($values, $message = '') * @method static void allImplementsInterface($values, $interface, $message = '') * @method static void allPropertyExists($values, $property, $message = '') * @method static void allPropertyNotExists($values, $property, $message = '') * @method static void allMethodExists($values, $method, $message = '') * @method static void allMethodNotExists($values, $method, $message = '') * @method static void allKeyExists($values, $key, $message = '') * @method static void allKeyNotExists($values, $key, $message = '') * @method static void allCount($values, $key, $message = '') * @method static void allMinCount($values, $min, $message = '') * @method static void allMaxCount($values, $max, $message = '') * @method static void allCountBetween($values, $min, $max, $message = '') * @method static void allIsList($values, $message = '') * @method static void allIsMap($values, $message = '') * @method static void allUuid($values, $message = '') * @method static void allThrows($expressions, $class = 'Exception', $message = '') * * @since 1.0 * * @author Bernhard Schussek <bschussek@gmail.com> */ class Assert { public static function string($value, $message = '') { if (!is_string($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a string. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function stringNotEmpty($value, $message = '') { static::string($value, $message); static::notEq($value, '', $message); } public static function integer($value, $message = '') { if (!is_int($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an integer. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function integerish($value, $message = '') { if (!is_numeric($value) || $value != (int) $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an integerish value. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function float($value, $message = '') { if (!is_float($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a float. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function numeric($value, $message = '') { if (!is_numeric($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a numeric. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function natural($value, $message = '') { if (!is_int($value) || $value < 0) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a non-negative integer. Got %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function boolean($value, $message = '') { if (!is_bool($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a boolean. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function scalar($value, $message = '') { if (!is_scalar($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a scalar. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function object($value, $message = '') { if (!is_object($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an object. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function resource($value, $type = null, $message = '') { if (!is_resource($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a resource. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } if ($type && $type !== get_resource_type($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a resource of type %2$s. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value), $type )); } } public static function isCallable($value, $message = '') { if (!is_callable($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a callable. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function isArray($value, $message = '') { if (!is_array($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an array. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function isTraversable($value, $message = '') { @trigger_error( sprintf( 'The "%s" assertion is deprecated. You should stop using it, as it will soon be removed in 2.0 version. Use "isIterable" or "isInstanceOf" instead.', __METHOD__ ), E_USER_DEPRECATED ); if (!is_array($value) && !($value instanceof Traversable)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a traversable. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function isArrayAccessible($value, $message = '') { if (!is_array($value) && !($value instanceof ArrayAccess)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an array accessible. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function isCountable($value, $message = '') { if (!is_array($value) && !($value instanceof Countable)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a countable. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function isIterable($value, $message = '') { if (!is_array($value) && !($value instanceof Traversable)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an iterable. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value) )); } } public static function isInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') { if (!($value instanceof $class)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an instance of %2$s. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value), $class )); } } public static function notInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') { if ($value instanceof $class) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an instance other than %2$s. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value), $class )); } } public static function isInstanceOfAny($value, array $classes, $message = '') { foreach ($classes as $class) { if ($value instanceof $class) { return; } } static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an instance of any of %2$s. Got: %s', static::typeToString($value), implode(', ', array_map(array('static', 'valueToString'), $classes)) )); } public static function isEmpty($value, $message = '') { if (!empty($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an empty value. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function notEmpty($value, $message = '') { if (empty($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a non-empty value. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function null($value, $message = '') { if (null !== $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected null. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function notNull($value, $message = '') { if (null === $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument( $message ?: 'Expected a value other than null.' ); } } public static function true($value, $message = '') { if (true !== $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to be true. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function false($value, $message = '') { if (false !== $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to be false. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function ip($value, $message = '') { if (false === filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to be an IP. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function ipv4($value, $message = '') { if (false === filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to be an IPv4. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function ipv6($value, $message = '') { if (false === filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to be an IPv6. Got %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function eq($value, $value2, $message = '') { if ($value2 != $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value equal to %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($value2) )); } } public static function notEq($value, $value2, $message = '') { if ($value2 == $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a different value than %s.', static::valueToString($value2) )); } } public static function same($value, $value2, $message = '') { if ($value2 !== $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value identical to %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($value2) )); } } public static function notSame($value, $value2, $message = '') { if ($value2 === $value) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value not identical to %s.', static::valueToString($value2) )); } } public static function greaterThan($value, $limit, $message = '') { if ($value <= $limit) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value greater than %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($limit) )); } } public static function greaterThanEq($value, $limit, $message = '') { if ($value < $limit) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value greater than or equal to %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($limit) )); } } public static function lessThan($value, $limit, $message = '') { if ($value >= $limit) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value less than %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($limit) )); } } public static function lessThanEq($value, $limit, $message = '') { if ($value > $limit) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value less than or equal to %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($limit) )); } } public static function range($value, $min, $max, $message = '') { if ($value < $min || $value > $max) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value between %2$s and %3$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($min), static::valueToString($max) )); } } public static function oneOf($value, array $values, $message = '') { if (!in_array($value, $values, true)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected one of: %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), implode(', ', array_map(array('static', 'valueToString'), $values)) )); } } public static function contains($value, $subString, $message = '') { if (false === strpos($value, $subString)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($subString) )); } } public static function notContains($value, $subString, $message = '') { if (false !== strpos($value, $subString)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: '%2$s was not expected to be contained in a value. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($subString) )); } } public static function notWhitespaceOnly($value, $message = '') { if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a non-whitespace string. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function startsWith($value, $prefix, $message = '') { if (0 !== strpos($value, $prefix)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to start with %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($prefix) )); } } public static function startsWithLetter($value, $message = '') { $valid = isset($value[0]); if ($valid) { $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); $valid = ctype_alpha($value[0]); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); } if (!$valid) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to start with a letter. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function endsWith($value, $suffix, $message = '') { if ($suffix !== substr($value, -static::strlen($suffix))) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to end with %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($suffix) )); } } public static function regex($value, $pattern, $message = '') { if (!preg_match($pattern, $value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'The value %s does not match the expected pattern.', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function notRegex($value, $pattern, $message = '') { if (preg_match($pattern, $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'The value %s matches the pattern %s (at offset %d).', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($pattern), $matches[0][1] )); } } public static function alpha($value, $message = '') { $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); $valid = !ctype_alpha($value); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); if ($valid) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain only letters. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function digits($value, $message = '') { $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); $valid = !ctype_digit($value); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); if ($valid) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain digits only. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function alnum($value, $message = '') { $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); $valid = !ctype_alnum($value); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); if ($valid) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain letters and digits only. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function lower($value, $message = '') { $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); $valid = !ctype_lower($value); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); if ($valid) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain lowercase characters only. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function upper($value, $message = '') { $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); $valid = !ctype_upper($value); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); if ($valid) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain uppercase characters only. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function length($value, $length, $message = '') { if ($length !== static::strlen($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain %2$s characters. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), $length )); } } public static function minLength($value, $min, $message = '') { if (static::strlen($value) < $min) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain at least %2$s characters. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), $min )); } } public static function maxLength($value, $max, $message = '') { if (static::strlen($value) > $max) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain at most %2$s characters. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), $max )); } } public static function lengthBetween($value, $min, $max, $message = '') { $length = static::strlen($value); if ($length < $min || $length > $max) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a value to contain between %2$s and %3$s characters. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), $min, $max )); } } public static function fileExists($value, $message = '') { static::string($value); if (!file_exists($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'The file %s does not exist.', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function file($value, $message = '') { static::fileExists($value, $message); if (!is_file($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'The path %s is not a file.', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function directory($value, $message = '') { static::fileExists($value, $message); if (!is_dir($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'The path %s is no directory.', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function readable($value, $message = '') { if (!is_readable($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'The path %s is not readable.', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function writable($value, $message = '') { if (!is_writable($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'The path %s is not writable.', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function classExists($value, $message = '') { if (!class_exists($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an existing class name. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function subclassOf($value, $class, $message = '') { if (!is_subclass_of($value, $class)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected a sub-class of %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($class) )); } } public static function interfaceExists($value, $message = '') { if (!interface_exists($value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an existing interface name. got %s', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function implementsInterface($value, $interface, $message = '') { if (!in_array($interface, class_implements($value))) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an implementation of %2$s. Got: %s', static::valueToString($value), static::valueToString($interface) )); } } public static function propertyExists($classOrObject, $property, $message = '') { if (!property_exists($classOrObject, $property)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected the property %s to exist.', static::valueToString($property) )); } } public static function propertyNotExists($classOrObject, $property, $message = '') { if (property_exists($classOrObject, $property)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected the property %s to not exist.', static::valueToString($property) )); } } public static function methodExists($classOrObject, $method, $message = '') { if (!method_exists($classOrObject, $method)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected the method %s to exist.', static::valueToString($method) )); } } public static function methodNotExists($classOrObject, $method, $message = '') { if (method_exists($classOrObject, $method)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected the method %s to not exist.', static::valueToString($method) )); } } public static function keyExists($array, $key, $message = '') { if (!(isset($array[$key]) || array_key_exists($key, $array))) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected the key %s to exist.', static::valueToString($key) )); } } public static function keyNotExists($array, $key, $message = '') { if (isset($array[$key]) || array_key_exists($key, $array)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected the key %s to not exist.', static::valueToString($key) )); } } public static function count($array, $number, $message = '') { static::eq( count($array), $number, $message ?: sprintf('Expected an array to contain %d elements. Got: %d.', $number, count($array)) ); } public static function minCount($array, $min, $message = '') { if (count($array) < $min) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an array to contain at least %2$d elements. Got: %d', count($array), $min )); } } public static function maxCount($array, $max, $message = '') { if (count($array) > $max) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an array to contain at most %2$d elements. Got: %d', count($array), $max )); } } public static function countBetween($array, $min, $max, $message = '') { $count = count($array); if ($count < $min || $count > $max) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Expected an array to contain between %2$d and %3$d elements. Got: %d', $count, $min, $max )); } } public static function isList($array, $message = '') { if (!is_array($array) || !$array || array_keys($array) !== range(0, count($array) - 1)) { static::reportInvalidArgument( $message ?: 'Expected list - non-associative array.' ); } } public static function isMap($array, $message = '') { if ( !is_array($array) || !$array || array_keys($array) !== array_filter(array_keys($array), function ($key) { return is_string($key); }) ) { static::reportInvalidArgument( $message ?: 'Expected map - associative array with string keys.' ); } } public static function uuid($value, $message = '') { $value = str_replace(array('urn:', 'uuid:', '{', '}'), '', $value); // The nil UUID is special form of UUID that is specified to have all // 128 bits set to zero. if ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' === $value) { return; } if (!preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$/', $value)) { static::reportInvalidArgument(sprintf( $message ?: 'Value %s is not a valid UUID.', static::valueToString($value) )); } } public static function throws(Closure $expression, $class = 'Exception', $message = '') { static::string($class); $actual = 'none'; try { $expression(); } catch (Exception $e) { $actual = get_class($e); if ($e instanceof $class) { return; } } catch (Throwable $e) { $actual = get_class($e); if ($e instanceof $class) { return; } } static::reportInvalidArgument($message ?: sprintf( 'Expected to throw "%s", got "%s"', $class, $actual )); } public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { if ('nullOr' === substr($name, 0, 6)) { if (null !== $arguments[0]) { $method = lcfirst(substr($name, 6)); call_user_func_array(array('static', $method), $arguments); } return; } if ('all' === substr($name, 0, 3)) { static::isIterable($arguments[0]); $method = lcfirst(substr($name, 3)); $args = $arguments; foreach ($arguments[0] as $entry) { $args[0] = $entry; call_user_func_array(array('static', $method), $args); } return; } throw new BadMethodCallException('No such method: '.$name); } protected static function valueToString($value) { if (null === $value) { return 'null'; } if (true === $value) { return 'true'; } if (false === $value) { return 'false'; } if (is_array($value)) { return 'array'; } if (is_object($value)) { if (method_exists($value, '__toString')) { return get_class($value).': '.self::valueToString($value->__toString()); } return get_class($value); } if (is_resource($value)) { return 'resource'; } if (is_string($value)) { return '"'.$value.'"'; } return (string) $value; } protected static function typeToString($value) { return is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : gettype($value); } protected static function strlen($value) { if (!function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { return strlen($value); } if (false === $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($value)) { return strlen($value); } return mb_strwidth($value, $encoding); } protected static function reportInvalidArgument($message) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($message); } private function __construct() { } }