<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpParser\Node\Stmt; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt; class Use_ extends Stmt { /** * Unknown type. Both Stmt\Use_ / Stmt\GroupUse and Stmt\UseUse have a $type property, one of them will always be * TYPE_UNKNOWN while the other has one of the three other possible types. For normal use statements the type on the * Stmt\UseUse is unknown. It's only the other way around for mixed group use declarations. */ const TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; /** Class or namespace import */ const TYPE_NORMAL = 1; /** Function import */ const TYPE_FUNCTION = 2; /** Constant import */ const TYPE_CONSTANT = 3; /** @var int Type of alias */ public $type; /** @var UseUse[] Aliases */ public $uses; /** * Constructs an alias (use) list node. * * @param UseUse[] $uses Aliases * @param int $type Type of alias * @param array $attributes Additional attributes */ public function __construct(array $uses, int $type = self::TYPE_NORMAL, array $attributes = []) { parent::__construct($attributes); $this->type = $type; $this->uses = $uses; } public function getSubNodeNames() : array { return ['type', 'uses']; } public function getType() : string { return 'Stmt_Use'; } }