<?php namespace Faker\Provider\en_NZ; class PhoneNumber extends \Faker\Provider\PhoneNumber { /** * An array of en_NZ landline phone number formats * @var array */ protected static $formats = array( // National Calls '{{areaCode}}{{beginningNumber}}######', '{{areaCode}} {{beginningNumber}}## ####' ); /** * An array of en_NZ mobile (cell) phone number formats * @var array */ protected static $mobileFormats = array( // Local '02########', '02#########', '02# ### ####', '02# #### ####' ); /** * An array of toll free phone number formats * @var array */ protected static $tollFreeFormats = array( '0508######', '0508 ######', '0508 ### ###', '0800######', '0800 ######', '0800 ### ###', ); /** * An array of en_NZ landline area codes * @var array */ protected static $areaCodes = array( '02', '03', '04', '06', '07', '09' ); /** * An array of en_NZ landline beginning numbers * @var array */ protected static $beginningNumbers = array( '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ); /** * Return a en_NZ mobile phone number * @return string */ public static function mobileNumber() { return static::numerify(static::randomElement(static::$mobileFormats)); } /** * Return a en_NZ toll free phone number * @return string */ public static function tollFreeNumber() { return static::numerify(static::randomElement(static::$tollFreeFormats)); } /** * Return a en_NZ landline area code * @return string */ public static function areaCode() { return static::numerify(static::randomElement(static::$areaCodes)); } /** * Return a en_NZ landline beginning number * @return string */ public static function beginningNumber() { return static::numerify(static::randomElement(static::$beginningNumbers)); } }