
 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Tests\Server;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpProcess;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider\ContextProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Server\Connection;

class ConnectionTest extends TestCase
    private const VAR_DUMPER_SERVER = 'tcp://';

    public function testDump()
        $cloner = new VarCloner();
        $data = $cloner->cloneVar('foo');
        $connection = new Connection(self::VAR_DUMPER_SERVER, [
            'foo_provider' => new class() implements ContextProviderInterface {
                public function getContext(): ?array
                    return ['foo'];

        $dumped = null;
        $process = $this->getServerProcess();
        $process->start(function ($type, $buffer) use ($process, &$dumped, $connection, $data) {
            if (Process::ERR === $type) {
            } elseif ("READY\n" === $buffer) {
            } else {
                $dumped .= $buffer;


(3) "foo"
  "timestamp" => %d.%d
  "foo_provider" => [
    (3) "foo"

        , $dumped);

    public function testNoServer()
        $cloner = new VarCloner();
        $data = $cloner->cloneVar('foo');
        $connection = new Connection(self::VAR_DUMPER_SERVER);
        $start = microtime(true);
        $this->assertLessThan(1, microtime(true) - $start);

    private function getServerProcess(): Process
        $process = new PhpProcess(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/dump_server.php'), null, [
            'COMPONENT_ROOT' => __DIR__.'/../../',

        return $process->setTimeout(9);