<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpParser\Node\Stmt; use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable; use PhpParser\Node\Name; use PhpParser\Node\Param; class ClassMethodTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { /** * @dataProvider provideModifiers */ public function testModifiers($modifier) { $node = new ClassMethod('foo', [ 'type' => constant('PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_' . strtoupper($modifier)) ]); $this->assertTrue($node->{'is' . $modifier}()); } public function testNoModifiers() { $node = new ClassMethod('foo', ['type' => 0]); $this->assertTrue($node->isPublic()); $this->assertFalse($node->isProtected()); $this->assertFalse($node->isPrivate()); $this->assertFalse($node->isAbstract()); $this->assertFalse($node->isFinal()); $this->assertFalse($node->isStatic()); $this->assertFalse($node->isMagic()); } public function provideModifiers() { return [ ['public'], ['protected'], ['private'], ['abstract'], ['final'], ['static'], ]; } /** * Checks that implicit public modifier detection for method is working * * @dataProvider implicitPublicModifiers * * @param string $modifier Node type modifier */ public function testImplicitPublic(string $modifier) { $node = new ClassMethod('foo', [ 'type' => constant('PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_' . strtoupper($modifier)) ]); $this->assertTrue($node->isPublic(), 'Node should be implicitly public'); } public function implicitPublicModifiers() { return [ ['abstract'], ['final'], ['static'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideMagics * * @param string $name Node name */ public function testMagic(string $name) { $node = new ClassMethod($name); $this->assertTrue($node->isMagic(), 'Method should be magic'); } public function provideMagics() { return [ ['__construct'], ['__DESTRUCT'], ['__caLL'], ['__callstatic'], ['__get'], ['__set'], ['__isset'], ['__unset'], ['__sleep'], ['__wakeup'], ['__tostring'], ['__set_state'], ['__clone'], ['__invoke'], ['__debuginfo'], ]; } public function testFunctionLike() { $param = new Param(new Variable('a')); $type = new Name('Foo'); $return = new Return_(new Variable('a')); $method = new ClassMethod('test', [ 'byRef' => false, 'params' => [$param], 'returnType' => $type, 'stmts' => [$return], ]); $this->assertFalse($method->returnsByRef()); $this->assertSame([$param], $method->getParams()); $this->assertSame($type, $method->getReturnType()); $this->assertSame([$return], $method->getStmts()); $method = new ClassMethod('test', [ 'byRef' => true, 'stmts' => null, ]); $this->assertTrue($method->returnsByRef()); $this->assertNull($method->getStmts()); } }