 * This file is part of sebastian/global-state.
 * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.


namespace SebastianBergmann\GlobalState;

use ReflectionClass;
use Serializable;

 * A snapshot of global state.
class Snapshot
     * @var Blacklist
    private $blacklist;

     * @var array
    private $globalVariables = [];

     * @var array
    private $superGlobalArrays = [];

     * @var array
    private $superGlobalVariables = [];

     * @var array
    private $staticAttributes = [];

     * @var array
    private $iniSettings = [];

     * @var array
    private $includedFiles = [];

     * @var array
    private $constants = [];

     * @var array
    private $functions = [];

     * @var array
    private $interfaces = [];

     * @var array
    private $classes = [];

     * @var array
    private $traits = [];

     * Creates a snapshot of the current global state.
    public function __construct(Blacklist $blacklist = null, bool $includeGlobalVariables = true, bool $includeStaticAttributes = true, bool $includeConstants = true, bool $includeFunctions = true, bool $includeClasses = true, bool $includeInterfaces = true, bool $includeTraits = true, bool $includeIniSettings = true, bool $includeIncludedFiles = true)
        if ($blacklist === null) {
            $blacklist = new Blacklist;

        $this->blacklist = $blacklist;

        if ($includeConstants) {

        if ($includeFunctions) {

        if ($includeClasses || $includeStaticAttributes) {

        if ($includeInterfaces) {

        if ($includeGlobalVariables) {

        if ($includeStaticAttributes) {

        if ($includeIniSettings) {
            $this->iniSettings = \ini_get_all(null, false);

        if ($includeIncludedFiles) {
            $this->includedFiles = \get_included_files();

        $this->traits = \get_declared_traits();

    public function blacklist(): Blacklist
        return $this->blacklist;

    public function globalVariables(): array
        return $this->globalVariables;

    public function superGlobalVariables(): array
        return $this->superGlobalVariables;

    public function superGlobalArrays(): array
        return $this->superGlobalArrays;

    public function staticAttributes(): array
        return $this->staticAttributes;

    public function iniSettings(): array
        return $this->iniSettings;

    public function includedFiles(): array
        return $this->includedFiles;

    public function constants(): array
        return $this->constants;

    public function functions(): array
        return $this->functions;

    public function interfaces(): array
        return $this->interfaces;

    public function classes(): array
        return $this->classes;

    public function traits(): array
        return $this->traits;

     * Creates a snapshot user-defined constants.
    private function snapshotConstants()
        $constants = \get_defined_constants(true);

        if (isset($constants['user'])) {
            $this->constants = $constants['user'];

     * Creates a snapshot user-defined functions.
    private function snapshotFunctions()
        $functions = \get_defined_functions();

        $this->functions = $functions['user'];

     * Creates a snapshot user-defined classes.
    private function snapshotClasses()
        foreach (\array_reverse(\get_declared_classes()) as $className) {
            $class = new ReflectionClass($className);

            if (!$class->isUserDefined()) {

            $this->classes[] = $className;

        $this->classes = \array_reverse($this->classes);

     * Creates a snapshot user-defined interfaces.
    private function snapshotInterfaces()
        foreach (\array_reverse(\get_declared_interfaces()) as $interfaceName) {
            $class = new ReflectionClass($interfaceName);

            if (!$class->isUserDefined()) {

            $this->interfaces[] = $interfaceName;

        $this->interfaces = \array_reverse($this->interfaces);

     * Creates a snapshot of all global and super-global variables.
    private function snapshotGlobals()
        $superGlobalArrays = $this->superGlobalArrays();

        foreach ($superGlobalArrays as $superGlobalArray) {

        foreach (\array_keys($GLOBALS) as $key) {
            if ($key != 'GLOBALS' &&
                !\in_array($key, $superGlobalArrays) &&
                $this->canBeSerialized($GLOBALS[$key]) &&
                !$this->blacklist->isGlobalVariableBlacklisted($key)) {
                $this->globalVariables[$key] = \unserialize(\serialize($GLOBALS[$key]));

     * Creates a snapshot a super-global variable array.
    private function snapshotSuperGlobalArray(string $superGlobalArray)
        $this->superGlobalVariables[$superGlobalArray] = [];

        if (isset($GLOBALS[$superGlobalArray]) && \is_array($GLOBALS[$superGlobalArray])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS[$superGlobalArray] as $key => $value) {
                $this->superGlobalVariables[$superGlobalArray][$key] = \unserialize(\serialize($value));

     * Creates a snapshot of all static attributes in user-defined classes.
    private function snapshotStaticAttributes()
        foreach ($this->classes as $className) {
            $class    = new ReflectionClass($className);
            $snapshot = [];

            foreach ($class->getProperties() as $attribute) {
                if ($attribute->isStatic()) {
                    $name = $attribute->getName();

                    if ($this->blacklist->isStaticAttributeBlacklisted($className, $name)) {

                    $value = $attribute->getValue();

                    if ($this->canBeSerialized($value)) {
                        $snapshot[$name] = \unserialize(\serialize($value));

            if (!empty($snapshot)) {
                $this->staticAttributes[$className] = $snapshot;

     * Returns a list of all super-global variable arrays.
    private function setupSuperGlobalArrays()
        $this->superGlobalArrays = [

        if (\ini_get('register_long_arrays') == '1') {
            $this->superGlobalArrays = \array_merge(

     * @todo Implement this properly
    private function canBeSerialized($variable): bool
        if (!\is_object($variable)) {
            return !\is_resource($variable);

        if ($variable instanceof \stdClass) {
            return true;

        $class = new ReflectionClass($variable);

        do {
            if ($class->isInternal()) {
                return $variable instanceof Serializable;
        } while ($class = $class->getParentClass());

        return true;