<?php /* * This file is part of Psy Shell. * * (c) 2012-2018 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Psy\Test\CodeCleaner; use Psy\CodeCleaner\ListPass; class ListPassTest extends CodeCleanerTestCase { public function setUp() { $this->setPass(new ListPass()); } /** * @dataProvider invalidStatements * @expectedException \Psy\Exception\ParseErrorException */ public function testProcessInvalidStatement($code, $expectedMessage) { if (\method_exists($this, 'setExpectedException')) { $this->setExpectedException('Psy\Exception\ParseErrorException', $expectedMessage); } else { $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedMessage); } $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverser->traverse($stmts); } public function invalidStatements() { // Not typo. It is ambiguous whether "Syntax" or "syntax". $errorShortListAssign = "yntax error, unexpected '='"; $errorEmptyList = 'Cannot use empty list'; $errorAssocListAssign = 'Syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting \',\' or \')\''; $errorNonVariableAssign = 'Assignments can only happen to writable values'; $errorPhpParserSyntax = 'PHP Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected'; $invalidExpr = [ ['list() = array()', $errorEmptyList], ['list("a") = array(1)', $errorPhpParserSyntax], ]; if (\version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '<')) { return \array_merge($invalidExpr, [ ['list("a" => _) = array("a" => 1)', $errorPhpParserSyntax], ['[] = []', $errorShortListAssign], ['[$a] = [1]', $errorShortListAssign], ['list("a" => $a) = array("a" => 1)', $errorAssocListAssign], ['[$a[0], $a[1]] = [1, 2]', $errorShortListAssign], ['[$a->b, $a->c] = [1, 2]', $errorShortListAssign], ]); } return \array_merge($invalidExpr, [ ['list("a" => _) = array("a" => 1)', $errorPhpParserSyntax], ['["a"] = [1]', $errorNonVariableAssign], ['[] = []', $errorEmptyList], ['[,] = [1,2]', $errorEmptyList], ['[,,] = [1,2,3]', $errorEmptyList], ]); } /** * @dataProvider validStatements */ public function testProcessValidStatement($code) { $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverser->traverse($stmts); $this->assertTrue(true); } public function validStatements() { $validExpr = [ ['list($a) = array(1)'], ['list($x, $y) = array(1, 2)'], ]; if (\version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '>=')) { return \array_merge($validExpr, [ ['[$a] = array(1)'], ['list($b) = [2]'], ['[$x, $y] = array(1, 2)'], ['[$a] = [1]'], ['[$x, $y] = [1, 2]'], ['["_" => $v] = ["_" => 1]'], ['[$a,] = [1,2,3]'], ['[,$b] = [1,2,3]'], ['[$a,,$c] = [1,2,3]'], ['[$a,,,] = [1,2,3]'], ['[$a[0], $a[1]] = [1, 2]'], ['[$a[0][0][0], $a[0][0][1]] = [1, 2]'], ['[$a->b, $a->c] = [1, 2]'], ['[$a->b[0], $a->c[1]] = [1, 2]'], ['[$a[0]->b[0], $a[0]->c[1]] = [1, 2]'], ['[$a[$b->c + $b->d]] = [1]'], ['[$a->c()->d, $a->c()->e] = [1, 2]'], ['[x()->a, x()->b] = [1, 2]'], ]); } return $validExpr; } }