Commit 9b42f2f8 by Sergey.Kolodchenko

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parent bd72dd38
Showing with 43 additions and 0 deletions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void){
int A;
int YM;
int H;
int i=0;
puts("Tere .Sissestage A");
scanf("%d", &A);
puts("Tere .Sissestage YM");
scanf("%d", &YM);
do {
puts("Tere .Sissestage H");
scanf("%d", &H);
}while( H < = 0 );
for (i=0;i<15 && Y<YM;i++);
x = A+ i * H;
y = 15;
x1 = A+ 2*H;
x2 = A+ 2*H;
printf( "& & ");
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